How to Clean Your Window Screens

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A good rule of thumb: Make a plan to clean your screens twice a year. Once in the spring, and once in the early fall. Clean screens aren’t just about a clear view. All of the dirt, dust, and bugs that accumulate on them can diminish your home's air quality as it blows inside on the breeze. So, next time you have a sunny day, remember that it's a great time to clean your dirty window screens.

Gather Your Materials and Tools

  • Microfiber cloth or soft towel

  • Mild all-purpose dish soap

  • Warm water

  • Soft-bristled brush or sponge

  • Garden hose or bucket for rinsing

  • Masking tape and washable marker

  • Fan (optional)

  • Screwdriver (optional, may be required for screen doors)

  • White vinegar or Magic Eraser (optional)

  • Mold remover spray (optional)

1. Remove the Screens

  • Use a screwdriver to pop the screens from the window jamb.

  • Label the screens with a piece of tape and a marker so that you remember which goes where.

  • Be careful, they're flimsy! Try to keep the screens flat.

  • Arrange them carefully to avoid snags or tears.

2. Dust or Vacuum

  • Use a lint-free towel to wipe away loose dust or spiderwebs.

  • Vacuum the screens with the soft bristle attachment if the screen is really dirty.

3. Prepare to Wash

  • Mix mild dish soap with warm water in a bucket/bowl.

  • Clear space on your porch/deck/yard/balcony. Lay down old towels if you'd like.

  • If you lack outdoor space, make room in your bathtub or shower.

4. Scrub the Screens

  • Saturate a washcloth, microfiber towel, or a clean sponge in the sudsy cleaning solution.

  • Stand the window screen upright and wipe it down on both sides working from the top down.

  • Wipe the edges, but be careful not to bend any metal window prongs.

Related: The Safe Way to Clean Your Television—And, No, We Didn’t Ignore the Speakers

5. Rinse the Screens

  • Use a garden hose, the shower head, or bucket of clean water to rinse soap residue off the entire screen. If you're using a nozzle, use a gentle setting. This isn't a time for a pressure wash or jet stream! In any case, sprinkle the water from the top down.

6. Remove Stubborn Stains (If Necessary)

  • Bird poop can be especially stubborn once it's stuck to a screen. Apply a mixture of vinegar diluted with water to tough stains (especially in the crevices of the frame). We also like the foaming Magic Eraser product because it has built-in soap.

  • Allow the treatment to sit for a few minutes before gently scrubbing with a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush.

  • Rinse thoroughly, and repeat if necessary.

7. Dry the Screens

  • Pat the screens dry with a microfiber cloth or soft towel or leave the screens outside in the sun to air dry for a couple hours.

8. Clean the Window Frame

  • This is a good time to clean the glass and actual window frame, too. Wipe the frame with a damp microfiber cloth and check for black mold in the corners. If there is mold, take this moment to clean it out with an old cloth and some mold remover spray (we like CLR's Mold & Mildew Foaming Cleaner).

9. Inspect for Damage

  • Check for any tears or holes in the screens.

  • Use a screen repair kit to mend any damages, if needed.

  • Look at the edges for rust. Rusty screens? Replace them.

10. Reinstall the Screens

  • Reattach the screens to the window jamb.

Remove dust and dirt from your window screens twice a year.<p>Photo by Darrin Henein on Unsplash</p>
Remove dust and dirt from your window screens twice a year.

Photo by Darrin Henein on Unsplash

How many times a year should you clean your screens?

You should remove the screens from the window frame for a deep cleaning at least twice a year, ideally in spring and fall. If you live in a cold climate where your windows are shut for the winter months, you can take out your screens, wash and dry them, and store them in your basement/garage/closet, and then reinstall them in the spring.

Any tips for cleaning screens you can't uninstall?

  • Use a vacuum with a brush bristle brush attachment or use a soft cloth.

  • A lint roller can be handy for picking up surface debris.

  • Spot clean with a mild soap solution or white vinegar for stubborn stains.

  • Lay a towel down at the base of the window sill to absorb excess water. Wipe the screens with a heavily diluted mix of water and dish soap (no need to rinse). Leave the window open and/or have a fan blowing on the screen until dry.

Related: How to Clean the Inside of Your Windshield

Does vacuuming between cleanings help?

If you live in a dusty region and you see a lot of visible debris building up on your window screens, using a vacuum can help stay on top of it. Suck up any loose dirt and spot clean visible stains like bird poop on a dirty screen as soon as you notice them.