How to Clean Stainless Steel Appliances: 6 Clever Ways

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A kitchen is a hard-working space and appliances get dirty easily, which is why regular cleanings are essential to prevent grimey buildup and hard-to-clean messes.

Read on to learn about six ways to easily remove streaks, pesky stains, stuck-on dirt, and fingerprints from a variety of stainless steel appliances and restore their shine using homemade and store-bought cleaners.

Do's and Don'ts for Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances

The type of cleaning cloth you use on a stainless steel appliance is just as important as the cleaning solution. Use a soft, non-abrasive, and lint-free cloth, whether it's a sponge or a microfiber cloth. Instead of vigorously rubbing the surface of the appliance, move in the direction of the grain—which typically means from top to bottom—to clean the stainless steel. If you've never used a particular cleaning product before, it's always a good idea to do a test spot on a discreet spot to ensure it's safe to use.

Refrain from using any abrasive sponges or steel wool, as they can scratch and permanently damage stainless steel. Stay away from products that contain bleach, ammonia, and chlorine, and when cleaning the appliance, don't scrub against the grain but move in its direction.

How to Clean Stainless Steel Appliances


  1. Fill a clean spray bottle with distilled white vinegar and liberally spray on the stainless steel appliance.

  2. Use a clean, dry microfiber cloth and following the grain of the stainless steel, wipe away dirt and fingerprints.

  3. Dampen a new microfiber cloth with water and wipe down the appliance to remove the vinegar residue.

  4. Then, take another dry microfiber cloth and dry the appliances, ensuring there are no wet spots or streaks.

Baking Soda

  1. In a small bowl, mix three parts baking soda and one part water to make a thick but spreadable paste.

  2. Spread it over the appliance and let sit for about 30 minutes, until the paste has dried.

  3. Wipe off the dried paste with a damp microfiber cloth, making sure all residue is gone.


  1. Wipe down your appliance with a damp microfiber cloth and remove any stuck-on dirt.

  2. Then, dip a clean, dry microfiber cloth into an oil such as olive, mineral, or baby oil, and following the stainless steel grain, rub the oil into the surface.

  3. Once the entire surface is covered, grab a new cloth to buff the stainless steel for a nice shine.

Dish Soap and Water

  1. Squirt a couple of drops of dish soap onto a non-abrasive sponge or microfiber cloth and dampen with water to create a lather.

  2. Work your way from top to bottom following the grain to wipe the appliance clean and scrub off any stubborn stains.

  3. Then, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the appliance dry and prevent water spots.

Club Soda

Pour some club soda directly onto a clean microfiber cloth, then wipe down the stainless steel surface, following the grain and rubbing off any stuck-on messes.

Store-Bought Cleaners

Stainless steel cleaners are available in the form of sprays and wipes. Follow the product directions to clean your appliance and buff the cleaner with a clean, dry microfiber cloth if needed.

How to Remove Stains From Stainless Steel Appliances

Cleaning your kitchen appliances regularly is essential as it prevents sticky buildup that becomes hard to clean. You can remove any harsh stains like burnt food from appliances such as pots, refrigerators, stoves, or dishwashers.

Start off by mixing your own cleaning solution from pantry items such as baking soda, distilled white vinegar, or olive oil, or opt for store-bought cleaners designed specifically for stainless steel.

Whichever cleaning solution you choose, make sure to use cloths that are soft, clean, non-abrasive, and lint-free in order to get a streak-free clean and beautifully polished shine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What cleans stainless steel appliances without streaking?

The key to streak-free cleaning is using a lint-free cloth and working fast to buff your chosen cleaning solution into the stainless steel surface. If you've already cleaned your appliance but notice streaks, use a little bit of olive oil on a clean microfiber cloth and buff it in to restore its shiny sparkle.

What is the best natural cleaner for stainless steel?

The best natural cleaners for stainless steel include distilled white vinegar, baking soda, and oils such as olive oil.

Does vinegar damage stainless steel?

Distilled white vinegar is safe to use on stainless steel appliances. Wipe down the appliances with a microfiber cloth dipped in the vinegar, then use a clean cloth and dampen it with water to remove any of the vinegar from the surface of the appliance. Dry the stainless steel with another clean, dry microfiber cloth to prevent streaking and watermarks.

Read Next: How to Get Scratches Out of Stainless Steel Appliances

Read the original article on The Spruce.