Chubby Cat’s Attempt to Climb Through Open Door Fails Miserably and It’s Too Cute

Cats are known for being very agile, but sometimes that agility fails them. Cloud Soul shared a video in mid-May of a fat cat trying to get back into the house, and it will totally crack you up!

The video is only 5 seconds long, but it's hilarious. The black and white cat is outside and is ready to come back inside the house. The house has an apron door, and the window is open. The cat attempts to hop onto the window's ledge, and misses! Watch what happens when the cat realizes its epic failure.

I can't stop laughing at the cat's face and its little paws holding on for dear life! People loved Cloud Soul's video and left more than 1,200 comments. @LoveJoy8981 laughed "The way she silently said, "OH NO"!!! And slid down!" and @AngelaNeedsCookies added, "The way she disappeared in defeat!" @Corpus Medicus admitted, "Me on the pull up bar..." I laughed at the commenter who pointed out, "It took her 2-3 business days to fall LOL!"

Related: Cat Owner's Epic Automatic Feeder Fail Has People Laughing Out Loud

The Agility of Cats

Cats are known for both their agility and flexibility...check out this cat who ended up on the wrong side of the window 47 stories up! A cat's agility has to do with the way their vertebrae work. explains, "Cats have a well-adapted physiology for flexibility and agility. They have cushioned vertebrae that can twist and flex, long tails for balance, and loose shoulder blades for long strides and bursts of speed. Their handily small clavicles allow them to squeeze through tiny gaps, and their inner ear controls their famed ability to land on their feet."

They also explain why cats need to be so agile and flexible. "Their hunting strategy relies on two things. Firstly, stealthy stalking requires agility and grace, as well as sneaking through small spaces. Secondly, an agile and powerful pounce to catch their unsuspecting prey unawares."

Their vertebrae play a role in their agility, but so do their tails. The tail helps with their balance when they are climbing and jumping. Their toe beans act as shock absorbers to help when they land after jumping down from great heights...or when they fall like this cat did!

Not only are cats agile -they can jump up to 6 times their height - but they are also ridiculously fast. According to iCat, "Cats are fast. They are natural sprinters, so it is exciting to watch cats do agility. House cats can run at top speeds of around 30 miles (48 km) per hour. This is a comparable maximum running speed to those of white tail deer, warthogs and grizzly bears. It is also the top speed achieved by track star Usain Bolt." Pretty crazy to think that cats are just as speedy as a grizzly!

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