Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mom Shares Tricks for Cleaning and Preventing Tear Stains

Whether or not your dog requires regular visits to the groomer, you've likely dealt with the inconvenience of tear stains. Any dog can experience them, especially when dealing with allergies, colds, or respiratory infections, but some pups are predisposed to more chronic tearing. When this happens, it can be tricky to stay on top of the eye crusts and tear stains.

Even if tear stains have left a permanent dark spot in your dog's fur, there are a few easy tips that you can take advantage of every day. You don't need any fancy tools or supplies to keep your dog's face clean, either. Just check out this Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owner's tips for a clean, tear-free dog!

I don't need any reminders of how precious Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are, but this video was magical to watch nonetheless. These little show dogs are so sweet and well-behaved, even when their owner is scrubbing their faces. Clearly, they are soaking up every last moment of attention they can get!

Affectionate dogs like Cavs are easier to groom and clean than wrigglier, restless pups like newborns and high-energy breeds. Even so, it can take a few tips and tricks like this one to deal with sensitive spots like the eyes. Some dogs aren't a fan of having their face cleaned, which is understandable, but most get used to it with the help of encouragement and dog treats. That would be the perfect addition to an adorable and informational video like this one!

To take care of your dog's tear stains, regardless of their breed, start with warm water and a soft washcloth. Soak the cloth in the warm water before gently applying it to your dog's face, near the eyes. Fresh tear stains can often be wiped away easily on the first try, but older, dryer stains may require several minutes of soaking and gentle wiping to remove.

Supplies for Canine Tear Stains

You may need to break out the big guns for breeds like Cavaliers and poodle mixes that deal with chronic tear stains. I'm talking bout an eye wash and tear stain remover, of course! This Cavalier puppy raiser recommends Ocryl Tear Stain Remover, though you can also consult your veterinarian for their favorite recommendation.

Using a dog-friendly tear stain remover is many dog owners' best bet when warm water isn't doing the trick, but it's also important to get to the bottom of your dog's chronic condition. If your dog's tear staining lasts for a long time, gets significantly worse, or changes suddenly, please make an appointment with your veterinarian.

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