Cat's Reaction to Feeling the Baby's Kicks For the First Time Is Too Sweet

Cats aren't known to be overly affectionate like dogs are, but occasionally, you'll catch a tender moment with your feline friend. They might cuddle up next to you while you're watching TV or they'll rub up against your ankles. And if you're pregnant, you might see them become more loving and protective.

We see that in this September 20 clip from TikTok user @dontstopmeowing. Her baby named Chase was napping on top of her pregnant stomach and for the very first time, he felt the baby's kicks. The cat's reaction is oh-so-sweet!

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Be still our hearts! He was so confused at first, but it didn't scare him away. Although, he might've thought something rudely interrupted his nap. LOL! We think he was still so sweet and stayed by his mama's side. That's a sign he's going to be a great big brother!

Introducing cats and babies is a very similar process to if you were letting dogs and babies meet for the first time. Even before bringing the baby home, you want to get your pet acclimated. Start by playing low baby sounds - crying, screaming, laughing -  to get them used to it and slowly increase the volume. You'll also want someone to bring home baby-scented items for your cat to investigate, but don't force them to smell. Let them explore on their own.

Most cat owners know that their feline baby is very independent and because of that, you'll want to give cats a dedicated space where they can hide. Cats need this space to get away from stressful situations like when the baby is fussy. Consider giving them a cat tower or platform because the higher up they feel, the more in control they feel. It's known as the hierarchy of cats. And always remember, don't force your baby onto your cat. Let their relationship grow naturally.

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