Cat's Attempt to Console Kitten Who Lost Her Human Is Everything

Our animals are more sensitive than we give them credit for. They pick up on more than even we can see. Which is why one woman was so darn touched when she saw her pet comforting another cat in their time of need.

The cats were really having a moment in a video shared by Drea.

The cat mom must've been so proud when she saw her cat trying to console the kitty, who'd just been through the worst. In the footage, the cat was sitting right by the glass door that separated them from the other animal. The sad cat wouldn't even look at Drea's pet, but when it finally did glance over, Drea's cat leapt up and pawed at the door as if to let the other cat know that it was right there with them.

Related: 18-Year-Old Cat Surrendered to Rescue Finds Comfort in a Donated Toy

"You can't tell me pets don't understand feelings because this is my cat after rescuing an 8-month-old traumatized and depressed kitty whose owner passed away," Drea wrote in the video's onscreen caption.

Commenters were heartbroken. "Thank you for rescuing that poor baby, all the best with this baby," wrote one person. "They understand more than we may ever know," someone else agreed. "Put her in a small room with some hiding spots. Poor girl needs to decompress. She's stressed," one commenter advised. "We don’t deserve cats. Bless you for rescuing her," someone else praised.

Signs of Cat Depression

We tend to think of cats as being very aloof, but they do have emotions. Just like humans, cats can feel anxiety or depression. But unlike us, they can't say when they're feeling blue. So you'll need to look for signs of mental health distress if you want to know what's going on.

Rapid weight loss or loss of appetite can be a sign of depression. As is losing interest in social interaction with humans or other pets. If you noticed that your cat seems low energy or isn't as interested in playtime that might be another sign that they're feeling off. Changes in their personality can also be a tip off. If your cat is more aggressive, irritable, or lethargic, these are typical ways that depression can show itself. Cats that hide, isolate, or become more vocal might be showing signs of poor mental health too.

Fixing the problem can be a bit trickier. So if you notice that your cat is showing many of these signs you might want to consult your veterinarian. They'll be able to come up with a treatment plan and get your cat feeling okay again.

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