Cat’s Instant Obsession With a Potato Is the Picture of Innocence

We've all heard of love at first sight, and that was certainly the case when Loki the cat found a potato in the kitchen. From the moment he saw it, it was instant attraction...and he wouldn't let it out of his sight!

Loki became internet famous last year when his mom (@The Loki Show) posted the original video of him finding his soul mate, the potato. To celebrate a year of being famous, she reposted the original video on the anniversary date (December 9th) and added some more clips to show that Loki is indeed still obsessed with his potato. It's absolutely adorable to see him batting, chasing, and rolling around a potato!

@The Loki Show says in their caption, "Try asking Alexa or Siri “Who is the cat who fell in love with a potato”, so I did! And Alexa replied to me, "Loki is the cat who fell in love with a potato". Not only is Loki TikTok famous, but he's famous enough that even Alexa knows who he is. That's pretty cool!

Related: Cat's Delight Over Mom Finding All Her Lost Toys Is Way Too Cute

Commenters laughed at the memory of Loki's first potato. One commenter joked, "You can see it in the potato’s eyes— true love." @Emma must be a cat owner because she said, "I love how cats do this with random objects LOL!" @monalisaamph suggested, "You should do a children’s book" and Loki's human replied, "A lot of people have said this. Maybe we’ll actually try to do that haha"!

DIY Cat Toy Ideas

There's a feral neighborhood cat that I've been trying to buddy up to for over a year now. I feed him and have been patiently waiting to get near enough to pet him, with no luck. I've tried to bribe him with toys I bought - a little mouse filled with catnip and a ball with a bell inside of it - and he wanted no part of either of them. But I threw him an empty toilet paper roll one day and it was like he hit the lottery!

So if you have a cat who prefers homemade toys (or potatoes!) to those store-bought ones, there are plenty of DIY cat toy ideas that are simple to do and won't break the bank. Cats seem to all love toilet paper rolls (even feral cats!) and it's one that you can let them have and replace without spending an extra dollar. You can buy a tub of catnip and make your own catnip sachets out of little bits of cloth or an old sock. It's as simple as tying anything to a piece of string - they'll chase it everywhere!

Of course with Christmas around the corner, if you're looking for gift ideas for your cat, we've got 10 toys that make great gifts here. You can also make them homemade cat treats or even their own gingerbread house. We all know how finicky cats can be, so your cat may or may not like these ideas. But when it comes to gift giving, they say it's the thought that counts!

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