Castlevania Might Be Getting A New Game

Castlevania Grimoire of Souls key art

Hot on the heels of a very successful Netflix animated series, and with another, Castlevania: Nocturne, coming soon, it seems like the Castlevania series may be set for a revival on its home turf too. A new leak from a reliable source suggests a new Castlevania game may be announced very soon.

Twitter user and Dealabs writer billbil-kun has a solid track record for accurate video game leaks, with an almost 100% accuracy rate. At this point, when billbil-kun says something, people take it as absolute fact — and while that can only hold up for so long, so far it seems like there’s usually fire behind that smoke.

The latest post from billbil-kun is a little more cryptic than most from the leaker. Billbil-kun posted a tweet with two distinct statements, though it’s hard to know if they’re related in some way. One was the word “ladybird” next to a controller emoji, while the other was the word “Bellmont” next to a joystick. Bellmont is awfully close to Belmont, the last name for protagonists in the Castlevania series, leading many to believe a new game reveal is imminent.

The Castlevania video game series has been on life support in recent years, to say the least. The series started strong with the first release in 1986, and then had frequent releases for over two decades. Due to talent leaving Konami and the series getting progressively worse reviews, however, Konami all but put a stop to development of new games. The last new game, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, was released back in 2014, and it was not well received.

It’s gotten a little better in the last few years. Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls was a new-ish game for smartphones released in 2019, before being pulled and reworked for Apple Arcade, while legacy collections like the Castlevania Advance Collection were very well received by fans. The series was even immortalized in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and with DLC for the fantastic Dead Cells.

Whether or not a new Castlevania game is really on the way is anyone’s guess. It could be that Grimoire of Souls is exiting its Apple Arcade exclusivity period and being ported to other platforms, or it could be that there really is a brand-new game in the works. Given Castlevania publisher Konami has been making massive moves in new games, including new Silent Hill games and a Metal Gear Solid 3 remake, something new wouldn’t be a huge surprise.

Or it could be that billbil-kun is talking about something entirely different. We’ll just have to wait and see how it turns out.