California Resort Opens Black Diamond Runs Despite Thin Coverage

Bear Valley Resort in California has a summit of 8,500 feet, and sees an average of 359 inches of annual snowfall. This year, like many other resorts in California, the snow has been a little, well, below average.

Despite the conditions, Bear is persevering, and officials announced that they began the holiday week with good news: "NEWLY opened black diamond runs - Porridge Bowl, Cornice, Hank’s."

Officials at Bear also promise that there's more in store for skiers of the resort. "Our team is currently working on getting Tucks run to Nastar open, stay tuned for updates!"

"The projected opening date for Koala the lift is Dec.26th, which would mark the opening of all front side lifts in time for the holiday week ahead!"

As of today, Koala is on hold, but Mokulumne Express, Cub, Little Cub Carpet, Panda Carpet, and Super Cub are open for riding.

That leaves 3 lifts closed, and 1 (Koala) on hold.

Bear has 20 trails open, 38 closed, with 8 of those open being groomed.

Despite the difficult season so far, officials at Bear congratulate their team for making the best of the little snow. "HUGE shoutout to our amazing snowmaking and grooming team for their terrific work in expanding our terrain offerings!!"

Besides skiing, the mountain has opened the two newest guest facilities, Maury’s Mustang Bar and the newly renovated Sky High Pizza Pub.

In other words... "THE BEAR IS BACK."

Related: "The Bear Is Back!"- Bear Valley Announces Opening Day

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