Blue Heeler Has Saddest Way of Seeing Owner Off To College

Back to school can be a wonderful time for parents. Your house stays clean longer than an hour, your snacks don't disappear from the pantry at lightening speed and you no longer have to stay up until midnight seeing if your kid breaks curfew. It can also be a sad and lonely time, especially for parents and the beloved dogs who live in the home.

TikTok user @chloerenayy posted the sweetest and saddest video on August 8 of what her adorable pup did while she was packing for college.

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Awwwww! It's almost like he knew that Chloe was going away to school and he would no longer have his bestie in the house! TikTok users are so touched by this and @Jordan comments, "STOP my family just got a blue heeler and I leave for college in 9 days. I’m so sad I love him." @Shanna adds, "I’d just close the suitcase and go because at that point he’s coming with me." Shanna may have a point, because therapy dogs are used in college settings to help kids when they are dealing with the stress of college life and finals.

Dogs do feel sad when one of their favorite people leaves the home for an extended period, and you can help your dog adjust and alleviate any sadness or anxiety they might feel during this transition. Try to maintain a consistent schedule because dogs thrive on routine. Keeping the time of feeding, walks and playtime can help them feel secure. Spend quality time with the family dog to make sure they get enough attention and affection. Reward your dog with their favorite treat or toy for positive behavior when the kids leave or return home. This can reinforce the idea that their absence is not a cause for distress.

Before you know it, fall break will be upon us and when your kids get back you can witness the joy your dog will feel welcoming them home! And bid farewell to the secret stash of the good cookies you have hidden in the pantry!

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