Mastiff's Sad Reaction to Bestie Going Back to College Is So Pitiful

Both pups watched her drive off.

We can’t imagine what goes through pets’ heads when their favorite human goes off to college. They probably think that their human isn't coming back because they're gone for a few months at a time. Then to the pets' surprise, their human is home for a few weeks during winter break. All is good! That is until the next semester comes.

Just as quickly as a semester ends, breaks end even faster and students have to go back. And the only ones who cry more than parents when they have to leave are pets. Just take this Mastiff for example. Known on TikTok as @bowserthemastiff, Bowser and the family's other dog Sasha are completely broken watching their human leave again. You'll need a tissue for this one!

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Ugh, stop it! We can’t handle this. Our hearts are breaking because these dogs have to go through this heartache every so often. If only they could understand that she doesn’t want to leave them. She has to only for school and if they could come with her, she’d 100% do it!

“I just know she cried in the car,” commented @rosegardenovermadisonsquare. Oh, absolutely! She probably cried the whole way back to school. “I would literally drop out,” added @sensayshuns. SAME! Dog love is way more important than an education. LOL!

@JodieCLT wrote, "Sasha dropping the toy like, 'I DONT NEED BAGGAGE, TAKE ME.'” We completely lost it when she jumped over the fence to the car. They both want to go with her. We think a field trip is needed so they can visit her at school!

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