Bizarre Sea Creature Leaves People Scratching Their Heads in Wonder

There are animals in the deep, dark ocean that will totally freak you out when you see them (like the anglefish...yuck!) and then there's others that are just cool to look at. @Unilad shared a video last week of a bizarre sea creature that will make you scratch your head while you try to figure out what it is.

The video shows what reminds me of a strand of Christmas lights floating through the water... a very long strand of lights. It doesn't appear to be moving, and it really doesn't look like an animal. One thing I can say for certain is that it's definitely strange looking!

So what is it? It's called a Siphonophore and is related to jellyfish. In the caption Unilad shares, "Although they superficially resemble jellyfish, each siphonophore specimen is actually a colony of many genetically identical individuals called zooids.⁠" It's definitely a very cool and strange thing to see!

I was interested in this sea creature, and wanted to know how deep in the ocean you'd have to go to see one. I did some digging and found that they can grow to 160 feet long and they're as thin as a broomstick. They live in deep waters, usually anywhere from 1,500 feet or so to over 8,000 feet. Lucky for all of us, it's definitely not something you'll stumble across at the beach!

Commenters were impressed with the out of this world creature, many said they're glad that they'll never run into one. I had to laugh at @mama.meaux's comment, "I knew what it was before I read the caption because I watched The Octonauts!" You learn something new every day, sometimes from unexpected places!

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