"New Bike Day" – Ed Masters Gets His Hands On Prototype Downhill Bike

In the summer of 2023, Pivot Factory Racing unveiled a new prototype downhill bike. Unfortunately for Eddie Masters, a racer who splits his time between enduro and DH, there were only enough for the full-time downhillers to ride.

Until this offseason that is. Watch Eddie Masters ride the prototype Pivot below.

In this video, Eddie shows off the double-chained prototype rig before taking it to the bike park. Unlike the production model he used to ride, Eddie’s prototype is a pure race machine. The prototype is not even in production to be sold yet. Instead, it is optimized for the race team like a Formula 1 car.

You can get a closer view of the bike on Eddie's teammate Matt Walker's Instagram. See his post below.

The two chains replicate the high pivot design other brands employ allowing the chain tension to not affect suspension performance. In 2023 this bike saw some serious results. Bernard Kerr got multiple top 5’s and finished the season 6th in the overall.

In addition to Bernard’s results, Jakob Jewett got a 13th in a world cup and won the Crankworkx Canadian Open race and Jenna Hastings got multiple top 10’s on it. The bike is certainly fast!

Masters is already ripping on this machine. He was able to drop his buddy on a flow trail on one of the first laps!

Ed Masters is a Kiwi enduro and downhill pro. His boisterous persona has made him one of the most popular riders on the circuit.

Eddie is one of a few enduro riders who will be leaning into downhill this season. In fact, you could say he was doing it before it was cool! Masters has raced both enduro and downhill for years, long before the likes of Richie Rude and Jack Moir started to consider it.

Related: Enduro World Champion Teases A Return To Downhill Racing

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