Best SW Florida reader photos include Bokeelia, Six Mile Cypress, Fort Myers nature pics

Do you have a picture from paradise you’d like to share with Tropicalia readers? We’d love to print it. Email photos to Be sure to include your full name, where you took the picture and what kind of camera or phone you used. Get snapping!

Note: Photos submitted to Tropicalia are not guaranteed to run.

An alligator chillin’ in Collier County. Taken with a Canon Rebel T6i at f/5.6 and 1/2000 sec.
An alligator chillin’ in Collier County. Taken with a Canon Rebel T6i at f/5.6 and 1/2000 sec.
A swallow-tailed kite perched in a tree with a lizard. Taken with a Sony A7iii in Bokeelia.
A swallow-tailed kite perched in a tree with a lizard. Taken with a Sony A7iii in Bokeelia.
Taken at Six Mile Cypress with a Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera.
Taken at Six Mile Cypress with a Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera.
Taken at Lakes Park with Sony a7CII mirrorless camera with a 16-300mm lense.
Taken at Lakes Park with Sony a7CII mirrorless camera with a 16-300mm lense.
Taken at Fort Myers Beach with a Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ80.
Taken at Fort Myers Beach with a Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ80.

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This article originally appeared on Marco Eagle: Best Fort Myers, Bokeelia, SWFL photos: Kite, gator, more