Who has the best barbecue? Vote & see if your Columbus area faves made it to round 2

The numbers are in, barbecue lovers. In a week’s worth of polling, you’ve narrowed the list of restaurants down to 10, and it’s a close race. While some of these places are neck and neck for first place, there are a few that might need a little extra love - you can vote as many times as you like, and no one will ever know you voted for another barbecue restaurant.

So, if your favorite place didn’t make this round, then it’s decision time. Which of the below 10 restaurants is your second favorite (or third or fourth)? I understand it may be a tough call for all you loyalists out there, but do it for the sake of the barbecue - and your favorite place to eat it.

I know I’ve most likely overlooked some of your favorites or failed to mention all the restaurants in town. However, you’ve got to get in while the voting is still happening to let your voice be heard. This round ends Tuesday so let me see you exercise you civic duty and vote for your favorite barbecue joint.

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