Bernese Mountain Puppy's Frustration Over Using 'Go Outside' Button Is Precious

Long after they've grown up, some pet owners still have horrifying flashbacks to the puppy training phase. Those months are rough. And things can get even trickier if you're trying to train your pup to use dog buttons, as one woman learned with her Bernese Mountain Dog puppy.

The dog's owner Sara Wood was working on teaching her puppy Mr. Finster Doodle how to use the tool.

The footage showed the Bernese Mountain Dog standing by the glass door waiting for his mama to give him instruction.

Related: Bernese Mountain Dog 'Shows Her Baby Sister Snow' in Core Memory Moment

"How do you tell mommy that you want to go outside? Do you press your button?" she asked. "Press it! Come on!" she said.

Okay, so maybe the Bernie has a little more work to do.

"Over here teaching Mr. Finster Doodle how to use his doorbell," his mama joked in the caption. And well...the dog didn't quite get it.

People in the comments section were here for the attempt. "I think he is asking you to lower it just a smidge," one commenter pointed out. "My puppy does not get it! Trying so hard to teach him," someone else lamented. "Oh my heart! What a sweet little boy," chimed in a third person. "Haha he’s so cute. Ours had bells. Until it got out of control," one commenter warned.

Teaching Your Dog to Use Dog Buttons

It's never been a better time to dive in and start using dog buttons. These tools can help dogs "talk" to their humans.

You'll want to start with basic command words that your dog will use everyday. Things like "walk," "food," or "potty," are good places to start. Record your phrases on each button and then put them in a place that's accessible to your dog.

Then comes the tricky part — teaching your dog to use the buttons. You'll want to lead by example here. Every time you take your dog for a walk, you'll want to hit the "walk" button. The hope is that your dog will mirror you and soon learn to associate the buttons with each task.

Eventually it'll start to click with your dog. They might start pushing the buttons themselves! When dogs use buttons correctly, you'll want to reward them with praise. Once your dog masters one button, you can start to add in more and more. Eventually you can even have a whole button network!

But it all starts with one, as Wood herself now understands all too well.

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