Bed Maintenance

Greg Shaw from Southern Scape is here to talk about bed maintenance. As the temperatures are warming up and spring is approaching, it’s time to get our landscapes ready for the season. You should remove old leaf clutter and any plants that didn’t survive winter.

After that, it’s time to mulch your beds. However, before mulching, it’s crucial to use a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weed growth. Preen is a popular brand, that can be found at any garden center or big-box store. You can easily use it by following the instructions on the back of the package. Just multiply the length of your bed by its width to calculate the square footage of your bed, and then apply the recommended amount per square foot. You can use this herbicide over any ground cover, shrubs, or flowers.

However, if you are planning to plant seeds, don’t apply the herbicide there, as it doesn’t differentiate between weed or flower seeds. Once you’ve applied the herbicide, mulch your beds with pine straw or pine bark, then water it to activate it. This will help you to remain weed-free all summer long, and you will have more time to enjoy your garden.

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