Bear Found Chilling on Boat at Naples Yacht Club Like a Regular Sailor

When you hear about Florida, you may think of alligators or dolphins, but certainly not of a black bear, especially on a boat.

However, somehow a black bear found its way onto a boat at the Naples Sailing and Yacht Club in Naples, Florida, as NBC 2 reported on October 5, and he looks like he enjoyed himself. I know it's hard to believe, but watch for yourself!

Wow! That's something else.

He most likely looked for food, as the boat might have smelled of fish, especially if it's a charter boat.

At least it wasn't an alligator that got on it!

The first to spot the bear was Todd Dillman, as he was on his boat returning to the bay.

“We were kind of blown away that there was a bear in Royal Harbor,” he said. “We get the saltwater crocs, the alligators, the sharks, stuff like that. But I can’t say I’ve seen anything like this before."

Although not uncommon in South Florida, as there is a black bear population, finding one on a boat is rare.

Dillman thought so as well.

“Not in a million years. And I probably won’t ever see it again," Dillman continued. "No one’s going to believe me if I tell them.”

That's when Dillman started recording this sighting with his phone to have proof.

“I sat here for like an hour, and he was just going front to back on the boat,” he said. “He’s just hanging out. He’s walking back and forth across the bow.”

The bear must have been so disappointed when he didn't find any food.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) shortly arrived to rescue the bear and restore the dock's safety for the surrounding patrons.

And to prevent further bear-on-boat sightings, the FWC suggests that you clean up after yourself and not leave any food or trash behind.

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