Beagle Goes Viral for Watching TV Sitting Like a Human Kid

It's nothing new that many pets display unique personality traits that often resemble those of humans. Whether it's the sounds they make that mimic the English language or their facial expressions, it sure is pure entertainment for the owners and bystanders.

The owner of Ollie the Beaglier thinks so as well and shared a funny video, posted on August 29, of Ollie watching TV. However, you have to look twice to make sure it's a dog lying there, not a toddler. Let's see for ourselves!

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This is too funny!

Doesn't he look like a toddler watching TV?

If you've ever owned a beagle or encountered one, you'd know that beagles are a popular dog breed known for their distinctive appearance as well as their friendly, sociable, and affectionate nature. They are often described as being good with children and other pets, making them excellent family dogs, just like the cartoon character Snoopy.

Olli is definitely an affectionate dog and loves watching TV. His favorite movie is The Secret Life of Pets, and there is no doubt he's invested in it. As you can see, his hindlegs move with excitement when the cat in the movie jumps.

Have you ever seen a dog watch TV? Like this?

I sure haven't. My dog isn't interested in watching anything that isn't food-related, and my cat only gets excited for TikTok videos with cats in them.

But back to Olli, the beagle. Maybe he picked this up from his human siblings, as they're kids.

It could be that he thinks he's a human, not a dog. Often times, pets, such as cats who were raised by dogs, act like dogs. I guess the same could be applied to dogs acting like cats or humans.

Either way, this sure is a cute little pick-me-upper if you're having a bad day.

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