Basset Hound's Refusal to Leave Grandparents' House Is Full of Attitude

It's a scenario that happens all too often. You walk your dog, buy them the nice dog food, and clean up all their messes ...and to say thanks they become obsessed with you parents. How rude! Just take one Basset Hound who absolutely refused to leave his grand-pawrents' house. He threw a fit! Luckily his owners saw the humor in the situation and shared it online for all to see.

Dogs are just like kids sometimes — they both love to throw a tempter tantrum.

The video shows dog mom Macy Leaptrott in a stand-off with her Basset Hound. Who is gonna win? The Hound was posted up by the front door of grammy and grandpa's house while poor Leaptrott stood in the street just trying to lure them away. Something tells us that she'd been there for a while because she was crouched down and getting more and more agitated.

Related: Basset Hound 'Throws a Fit' Like a Human Kid After Mom Turns Off 'The Little Mermaid'

"Come!" she ordered. Nothing. "Come!"

Nope, the Basset wasn't budging. Finally she had to walk over to her pup and walk him away by the collar. You gotta do what you gotta do, ya' know?

The comments section was here for this stubborn puppy behavior. "Grandma let me back in there’s a crazy lady out here," wrote one person. "I see you too have a perfectly trained Basset Hound," someone else kidded. "The stubbornness of a Bassett knows no bounds," a third commenter chimed in. "Don’t be jealous. He’s just following his heart," kidded one person.

Basset Hounds Are Stubborn

It's a truth that's universally acknowledged, when it comes to Basset Hounds they can be sort of stubborn as heck. This is not to say that Hounds don't have their lovable parts! These dogs are sweet, friendly, easygoing, and get along with people and other dogs alike. But when they want something (or don't want something) they can really dig in.

That makes it hard when you're trying to get them to leave grandma and grandpa's house, but it also means that training Basset Hounds is tricky. You'll need to be very patient to get them to listen to you. It might take a little creativity too.

Bassets are also hunters by nature, which is great if you also enjoy hunting but is more complicated if you spend more of your time inside the house. Wherever you are, just make sure your Basset is safely confined. If you don't they'll find a way to go out hunting on their own.

That being said, don't let any of this put you off from bringing home a Basset. They are the most faithful companions and are worthy of some grumpy incidents or two.

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