Baby Sloth at Cincinnati Zoo Falling Asleep Mid-Snack Is Epic Cuteness

Is there anything cuter than a sloth? Absolutely not. They're pretty much the cutest animals on earth. That includes a baby sloth at the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio, who was caught on camera falling fast asleep while having a snack.

Who hasn't been laying on the couch, eating your snack of choice, when you realize that you're getting super sleepy? Well that's pretty much what happened to Juno recently. And we don't blame her one bit.

As the video from the Cincinnati Zoo's TikTok page shows, Juno was still hanging from a tree branch (upside down) when she knocked out cold. The adorable video pans up from the sloth's feet all the way up to its little arms, which are still holding on to the leaf it was eating. Juno practically had the leaf at her mouth, but we guess all that eating tuckered her out because she was fast asleep.

Related: Sloth at San Antonio Zoo Falls Asleep Eating Breakfast and Everyone Can Relate

"Juno the baby sloth fell asleep mid-snack!" the video's caption reads.

People in the comments section were smitten by Juno and her impromptu sleep session. "Happens to the best of us, Juno!" one person wrote. "Been there done that—but not sober," someone else joked. "I aspire to this level of chill," another commenter joked.

Sloth Sleeping Patterns

Most of us believe that sloths sleep a little more than humans do. But that's actually a myth! In the wild, sloths sleep a healthy eight to 10 hours — just like some humans do. In fact, the myth that sloths sleep all the time is caused by casual observation.

Part of the problem is that sloths have a bit of an image problem. They're seen as "lazy" animals — in fact, in many languages the word "sloth" means lazy.  Sloths are slow-moving, shy, and secretive animals, that's true. But because they're so slow it can be hard to observe them for longer stretches of time.

Sloths are also masters of blending in to their surroundings. They can become completely indistinguishable from the leafy rainforest canopy where they live. Sloths have favorite spots where they like to sleep. Unlike humans, they'll sleep on and off, interspersed with bouts of activities. So it's no wonder that people think they're sleeping all that time! In fact, it might look like a sloth hasn't moved in days, but it's more likely that a sloth moved at some point during the night and then returned to their favorite sleeping position.

As for Juno, something tells us that she's going to finish her snack...just as soon as she wakes up from her nap.

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