AAPI Folks, We Wanna Know Your Favorite Meal Your Families Made Growing Up

There's nothing better than a home-cooked meal, especially if our families made them for us as kids! Food can hold so many memories and transport us right back to our childhoods.

A family of five, including a mother, father, and three children, dines together at a table filled with various foods. They are all smiling and enjoying their meal
Patrick Chu / Getty Images

So we wanna know: Asians and Pacific Islanders, what's your favorite food your family made for you growing up?

Maybe your dad made the best chicken adobo in the world, and you always ate a mountain of pancit with it. Even though you're grown and living on your own, you're always happy to visit your parents' house when your dad's cooking it again.

A plate of braised chicken drumsticks and thighs served on a bed of rice, garnished with chopped green onions
Banu R / Getty Images

Perhaps you're like me and were a picky eater as a kid. But sapasui was the one thing you always looked forward to at family get-togethers. Now, it's your favorite thing to cook with your mom as an adult!

A pot of cooked meat chunks in a rich sauce, with some visible shredded ingredients, likely a soup or stew
Morgan Sloss / BuzzFeed

Or maybe your favorite childhood meal is aloo gobi. Whenever you eat the cauliflower and potato dish, it reminds you of hours spent cooking with your grandma.

A close-up of a pan filled with a colorful vegetable curry, including pieces of potato, cauliflower, peas, and garnished with herbs
Suresh Dawmani / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Now, it's your turn! Asians and Pacific Islanders, what's your favorite childhood dish? What makes it special? Let us know in the comments below or in this anonymous Google form, and your response could be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

Check out more API-centered content by exploring how BuzzFeed is celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! Of course, the content doesn't end after May. Follow BuzzFeed’s A*Pop on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to keep up with our latest API content year-round.

Illustration promoting Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Diverse people in traditional and modern attire celebrate against a vibrant, patterned backdrop. Text: "BuzzFeed Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month."
Charlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed