Alta, Utah Has The Potential To Have Its Wettest February In 50 Years

Utah Daily Snow posted an announcement to X (twitter) that has eyebrows raised across the state.

"With detailed data going back to 1980, Alta-Collins needs another ~3" of SWE and 50" of snow for this to be the wettest/snowiest February recorded."

The snow forecasters continued, "With 2" SWE or more likely this week and another storm likely around Feb 25-27, I think the water record is easily within reach."

Currently, the first wave of a storm system has hit Utah, with resorts further north, such as PowMow, seeing great conditions from the precipitation.

Utah Daily Snow shows this off, as well, with the Storm Total meter showing almost 14 inches. The actual numbers report 5 inches in the last 12 hours, 6 inches in the last 24, and 31 inches over the last week.

Powder Mountain is also scheduled to get more snow this week, alongside other resorts in Utah. 

In the next two days, the National Weather Service predicts Alta will get between 14 and 21 inches, with a 91% probability of getting over a foot.

In the last 12 hours, Alta saw 5 inches, and 7 inches in the last 24 hours. Their forecast predicts 4 inches on Monday, 9 inches on Tuesday, 7 inches on Wednesday, and to top it all off, a dusting of an inch on Tuesday... just to keep things prime for all those skiers who "only" go with it's fresh!

Brighton is predicted to see between 12 and 20 inches, with an 87% chance of seeing over a foot.

Deer Valley is forecasted to see between 6 and 10 inches, with a 51% chance of seeing over 8 inches.

Whether this becomes a record-setting, wettest February or not, no matter how you slice it, many Utah resorts are primed for some solid powder days this week.

Related: Utah Ski Resort Sells Out Of Daily Lift Tickets For Holiday Weekend

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