Here Are The Airports In The U.S. With The Most And The Least Friendliest Staff

man standing inside an airport
man standing inside an airport

As travel becomes more accessible, staff friendliness is crucial in enhancing the client experience. While some airports have mastered the art of warm and welcoming service, others still have strides to make. Every interaction can elevate or diminish a traveler’s overall impression, from the initial greeting at the terminal to the final farewell. By digging into multitudes of customer reviews, a study by Upgraded Points found which airports are true hospitality masters and which ones can use a little nudge.

Airports that Radiate Warmth

When it comes to cultivating an atmosphere of genuine hospitality, a handful of airports soar above the rest. Leading the pack is Portland International Airport (PDX), the epitome of friendly service. With an impressive friendliness score of 43.57 out of a possible 50, this West Coast gem has captured the hearts of countless travelers. A staggering 19% of Yelp reviews for PDX commend its staff’s exceptional warmth and approachability.

Hot on the heels of Portland is Indianapolis International Airport (IND). It secures the second spot with a remarkable score of 43.27. What sets IND apart is its ability to minimize negative encounters, a crucial factor for many travelers. Less than 1% of Google reviews mention rude Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers, ensuring a smooth and pleasant security experience.

Jacksonville International Airport (JAX) claims third place with a friendliness score of 39. Here, passengers are consistently greeted with cheerful assistance, a hallmark of the airport’s dedication to exceptional service. Whether you’re used to the hustle of airports or it’s your first experience, the warm smiles and helpful attitudes of JAX’s staff will make a lasting impression.

Those with Room for Improvement

While many airports excel at cultivating a friendly atmosphere, others face challenges in delivering consistently warm and welcoming service. Newark Liberty International Airport comes in last with a friendliness score of just 3.65. Here, a staggering 5.7% of reviews mention rude staff, and 2% specifically call out rude TSA officers—the highest percentage in the country.

Miami International Airport fares only slightly better, securing the second-to-last spot with a friendliness score of 9.11. With a mere 3.4% of reviews praising friendly staff and 5.1% lamenting rude employees, this bustling hub has room for improvement in fostering a more hospitable environment.