AI Gives ‘Fish Facts’ Using Gen Z Slang and It’s Totally Lit

Zoos and aquariums are always looking for creative ways to educate people (especially kids) about the animals that live on Earth with us, and how they fit into our world. Sometimes they come up with clever or interesting ways to dish out the info, while other times they take the funny route, which is what Waikiki Aquarium did at the end of January 2024. It totally made my day, and I bet it'll make yours, too!

AI has taken over the internet recently, and there's been lots of talk about how it's going to change our world. The aquarium decided to use AI to target a very specific audience, Gen Z kids. They used AI to come up with fish facts using Gen Z slang, and the results were hilarious!

Which were your favorites? I laughed through all of them, but I love that they called sharks the OGs and said that they stand on business. If you have Gen Z kids at home, then you probably have heard all of this slang, but maybe not as it relates to fish which is why it's so funny! @Waikiki Aquarium's fans got a kick out of the video, too. My favorite commenter said, "I like that this implies that fish have hands with which to fight". They don't, but it would be funny to see if they did!

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Cool Fish Facts

While my fish facts won't be as lit as the ones that AI shared, I thought I could low key come up with some that would slay.

Like this one: Did you know that there are some fish that can live in both salt water and fresh water? They're called euryhaline fish and spend most of their time in salt water but head back to fresh water to spawn. Fish like sturgeon, striped bass, and salmon are all examples of fish that live in both.

According to, "As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined." That's crazy! I knew there were a lot of fish in the sea, but wow!

All fish have backbones and gills. So if we are being technical about it, starfish and jellyfish really are not 'fish' because they don't have backbones.

Here's another cool fact: Fish can get sunburned. That's right, if fish spend too much time near the surface of the water where UV rays are not filtered out, they can actually develop skin sores that left untreated can lead to death. They may not turn red like we do, but they do experience some serious side effects.

Who knew that fish were so interesting! My facts might not have been as funny as the ones that the aquarium shared, but they were pretty cool. I'll definitely be sharing the aquarium's facts with my kids - I can't wait to see their reactions!

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