Adorable Twin Pandas Make Their Debut at a South Korean Zoo

What's cuter than a baby panda? Two baby pandas! If you're looking for a daily dose of cuteness, this video that CBS Newspath shared on Facebook on Saturday, January 6th will do it for you! The two pandas made their big debut at a zoo in South Korea, and they are beyond adorable!

CBS' caption explains that the two, Rui Bao and Hui Bao, are six months old. They'll be spending a few hours each day with their mom in public view so they can get used to being on display. Watch as mom just sits down to eat a meal of bamboo as the babies play and explore their new world...I could watch them all day!

Aren't they just adorable? I loved watching them play@CBS goes on to say in their caption that the twins' sibling, Fu Bao, was the first panda to be born in the country in 2020. They really are superstars! According to National Geographic, it's rare for twins to be born in U.S. zoos, although it's not rare for pandas to have twins. They have twins about 50% of the time! Nat Geo goes on to say, "...due to the difficulty of caring for two cubs simultaneously, typically only one of the twins survives." So these two pandas beat the odds.

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Facts About Baby Pandas

Baby pandas are definitely adorable, but not at birth. They're born pink, hairless, and blind, weighing only a few ounces...much different than these furry pandas! Other than kangaroos, they are the smallest mammals born relative to their mother's size. They'll start getting hair around 3 weeks old when they'll start to look like the pandas we all know and love.  They won't open their eyes or start moving around until they are 6-8 weeks old. And an interesting fact, most pandas in the wild are born in August. They're normally summer babies!

Baby pandas (called cubs) grow extremely fast - by about 6 weeks old they are 10 times their birth weight! They start walking around a month old. By the time they are a year old, they'll be about 60 pounds.

Baby pandas drink mom's milk for about a year but start eating bamboo at around 6 months. If mom doesn't produce enough milk, zoos will often sub in dog milk to help feed the babies. They'll stay with mom for about three years or so, then venture out on their own (in the wild anyways).

It's so interesting learning facts about animals I really know nothing about. My kids get tired of me dropping random facts on them, but I won't quit doing it. It's always fun to learn more about animals that we all love!

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