6 preschool behavior problems you want to stop

6 preschool behavior problems you want to stop

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) – It’s Parenting Connection Tuesday and 6 News is here for you with tips, strategies, and helpful reminders from child development experts on how we can be better parents and guardians.

Today’s topic: 6 preschool behavior problems you want to stop.

We’re continuing to learn the best ways to discipline, and today, the focus is on 3 to 4-year-olds. All kids of all ages act out or throw tantrums at one point or another, but in a recent article on Parents.com… certain behaviors by young kids shouldn’t be overlooked because they can evolve into more serious issues that can potentially cause long-term problems if not addressed. Thankfully, experts with Parents.com say, caught early, the top 6 behavioral bad habits preschoolers display can be changed…. here they are:

  • Interrupting when you’re talking. Experts say, that when you allow your young kid to interrupt your conversations, it doesn’t teach them how to be considerate of others or occupy themselves when you’re busy.

  • Playing too rough. Experts say having a zero-tolerance policy regarding aggressive behaviors, such as hitting, pushing, or kicking is important.

  • Pretending not to hear you. Telling your child multiple times to do the same thing and it doesn’t get done sends the message that it’s OK to disregard what you’re saying.

  • Helping themselves to treats and TV. Experts say, that letting them control activities that parents should regulate teaches them that they don’t need to follow rules, especially if they go over to a friend’s house.

  • Having a little bit of an attitude. Experts say sassy behavior starts at 3 or 4 to test their parents’ reactions, and if not addressed, you may create a disrespectful child.

  • Exaggerating the truth and/or lying. Experts say it’s important to confront any type of dishonesty, otherwise kids may never stop.

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