5X World Champ Carissa Moore's New Book is a Love Letter About Surfing

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Five-time world champ Carissa Moore dropped a bomb on the surf world last month when she announced her retirement from competitive surfing.

But like she said at the time, "This is by no means the end."

Proving that it's not, she's surfing in the Lexus Pipe Pro, the upcoming Olympics, and she announced a new book over the weekend.

In the post above, Moore talks about the book, Hawaii Gold: A Celebration of Surfing. It comes out in April, but it's available for preorder now.

"I couldn’t be more proud of how it turned out," Moore wrote in the caption.

The book, which she said took over a year to complete, touches on more than just her own story.

"This book is very close to my heart as it celebrates Hawaii, surfing as our sport, the beauty and connection we feel to this place as water people. I share my own story and have also invited a special group of friends from Hawaii to share their own," she wrote.

Beyond that, it's also a love letter to her home.

Moore added:

"This book is for Hawaii. It’s my way of saying thank you to my home - the people, the places, and the waves that have shaped me into the woman I am today.

"This book is a collection of old and new, a celebration of past and present. You can’t move forward without understanding and acknowledging where you’ve come from."

According to the publisher:

"This long-awaited book celebrates Hawaii’s rich surf history and culture, featuring stunning photography capturing the magnificent beauty of the islands, Hawaii’s most famous surf breaks, and legendary surf icons.

"It showcases Hawaiian surfing traditions such as paddle outs, surfboard shaping, the shaka symbol, and all of the things that have made the origins of surfing in Hawaii uniquely beautiful."


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