5 Supplements To Prioritize In 2024 For Thicker, Stronger Hair, According To Dermatologists

For those who are new to the supplement scene and seeking to bolster their locks with greater thickness and vitality, we have enlisted the expert insights of dermatologists to provide a comprehensive guide on the most effective supplement options and their respective benefits for promoting healthy tresses.

Read on for tips and suggestions from Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Future Bright Dermatology, Dr. Enrizza P. Factor, dermatologist and writer at My Eczema Team, Ghanima Abdullah, hair expert and cosmetologist at The Right Hairstyles and Dr. Rebecca Hilton, hair expert at J-Beauty.


5 Dermatologist-Approved Supplement Ingredients For Healthy Hair Growth

1. Vitamin D

While you might associate vitamin D with sunshine and bone health, this nutrient also plays an important role when it comes to your hair and scalp health. Kung says that "studies show that female pattern baldness can be improved by supplementing the diet with low levels of vitamin D."

She adds that "one of the most dermatologist-recommended supplements for hair growth is Nutrafol," launched in 2016. Factor notes that "consuming a diet lacking the right nutrients, including vitamin D, can lead to hair loss."

On the other hand, she says that "eating a balanced diet with vitamin D can help promote hair growth, especially if you’re experiencing hair loss due to poor nutrition."

2. Biotin

This water-soluble B vitamin is often found in our favorite foods and hair products, and it can also be taken as a supplement. Factor notes that biotin is "also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H, and a part of the B-complex vitamins."

When it comes to hair growth, biotin is one of the most talked about topics in the beauty world. Abdullah says that this is for good reason. She notes that biotin is a no-fail supplement choice if your goal is to grow back longer, healthier and fuller tresses.

"Biotin is worth it. It increases circulation to the scalp to aid hair growth and stop hair thinning," she says. Factor agrees, and notes that a lack of biotin in your diet "may slow down hair growth or even cause hair loss." Fortunately, she says, "correcting a deficiency in this nutrient may help treat hair loss and promote the rate of hair growth."

Abdullah adds that biotin supplements can "stimulate hair growth by increasing energy synthesis within the blood and delivering more blood flow to the scalp." She dubs biotin to be a "building block for keratin, which is also used by the hair, skin and nails."

Having sufficient biotin in the body, she says, contributes to "longer, stronger, shinier hair and nails and better skin elasticity," as well. Biotin, she continues, helps "increase circulation to the scalp, which helps the hair follicles produce a better quality of hair and more of it."


3. Pumpkin Seed Oil

Abdullah explains that a pumpkin seed oil supplement has "been scientifically proven to grow more hair and aid those who have thinning hair."

She goes on to say that "pumpkin seed oil is worth it as a supplement ingredient, or even all by itself." She also notes that vitamin D, biotin and pumpkin seed oil may be more beneficial to try than "collagen, elastin, and coconut oil" supplements.

5. Vitamin E

Abdullah says that vitamins like "vitamin E also give the hair follicles what they need to grow more hair." Factor concurs, and points out that "a lack of the right nutrients including vitamin E, protein and essential fatty acids may slow down hair growth or even cause hair loss."

According to the experts, Vitamin E's potent antioxidant qualities can effectively uphold hair growth by minimizing the impact of oxidative stress and free radicals that negatively impact hair follicle cells.

4. Saw Palmetto

Incorporating saw palmetto into your day can prove to be advantageous in reducing hair loss, Hilton says, as it is a highly sought-after ingredient in the realm of haircare.

"Saw palmetto is a natural extract from the berries of the Serenoa repens plant and has been used for centuries for the treatment of various conditions including hair loss," she explains.

Hilton adds that "saw palmetto works by blocking the production of DHT," which helps to "reduce hair shedding." Kung concurs, and points out that because saw palmetto is a DHT blocker, it is "helpful in the treatment of female pattern baldness that can become quite apparent when a woman is in her 40s."

Dieting Advice For Healthier Hair Growth

Ultimately, both Kung and Abdullah stress that visiting a dermatologist and/ or other hair expert to assess your scalp and hair loss is best when looking for a supplement.

One supplement will not treat everyone's individual hair loss or thinning hair problem, they say, and taking many at once will not either. When prioritizing your hair health, Factor says to look at your diet, first and foremost.

"How fast your hair grows depends on factors like age, health, genetics and diet. Although you can’t change factors like age and genetics, diet is one thing you have control over," she explains. "In fact, consuming a diet lacking the right nutrients can lead to hair loss.

On the other hand, eating a balanced diet with the right nutrients can help promote hair growth, especially if you’re experiencing hair loss due to poor nutrition," she continues.

With that said, Factor recommends foods like "legumes, like lentils, that are packed with nine essential vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins and biotin."

She also advises eating more eggs, as they "also contain B12, vitamins A and E, iron, and biotin."

"What you eat can have a huge effect on the health of your hair," Factor stresses while also listing nuts, seeds, liver, sweet potatoes, mushrooms and bananas as more biotin-rich foods.

The Bottom Line

Abdullah, Factor and Kung stress that it is always essential to visit a dermatologist or another hair specialist to decide which supplement or solution is best for your personal hair thinning situation!