Your 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio Horoscope: What’s in Store for You Come April 23

With mindful, harmony-seeking Taurus season now in full swing, you could be craving more opportunities to be present and soak up the moment, especially with your nearest and dearest. Given just how intense it has been for eclipse season to coincide with Mercury retrograde over the past few weeks, a slower pace sounds even more appealing. And while that’s not entirely off the table, emotions are about to run high once more as a result of the April 23 full moon in Scorpio, also referred to as the Full Pink Moon.

On Tuesday, April 23 at 7:49 p.m. ET/4:49 p.m. PT, this transformative, powerful, intimacy-building full moon falls in Scorpio, the fixed water sign ruled by both Mars, the planet of action, energy and aggression, and Pluto, the planet of rebirth and control. In turn, this culmination-bringing lunar event will require you to acknowledge undiscovered truths and foster your inner fearlessness and power. It’s also a moment in which you could be challenged to strike a balance between enjoying the simple pleasures of life — a theme of Taurus season — with swimming in the deep end of your most complex emotions. Here, all you need to know about this illuminating event so you can make the most of it.

What is a full moon?

Full moons occur once — less frequently, twice — per month when the moon and the sun sit directly opposite one another in the sky and in the zodiac. Because they’re sitting across from one another, the sun’s luminosity reflects off of the moon, leading to a dramatic, larger-than-life nighttime spectacle. During a full moon, the moon lights the sky up brighter than any other time in the lunar cycle. For that reason, astrologically speaking, it is a time during which it feels like your strongest emotions can’t help but be amplified. And as the sun opposite moon dynamic also mirrors an amplified focus on partnerships, full moons are made for reflecting — and taking action — on relationship matters.

You can work with this energy for four days before and after the event occurs. In astrology, the moon rules our emotions, intuition and nurturing style. And when it’s full, all of those aspects of our inner life are heightened. You could feel particularly sensitive, empathic, fired up or even rundown if an emotional situation has become exhausting. Full moons also present the chance to see how far you’ve come since planting seeds during the new moon that occurred either two weeks or six months prior.

What is the full moon in Scorpio?

Although every full moon is a chance to work with deep-seated emotional truths, April’s full moon in Scorpio — aka the Full Pink Moon, named for wildflowers that bloom this time of year — is an opportunity to grapple with emotions that you might not be as aware of on a daily basis. Scorpio, the sign of the Scorpion, is committed to uncovering and addressing taboo topics that we tend to think of as best kept under wraps. This often includes our most challenging feelings, particularly stemming from our most intimate relationships — including the one we each have with ourselves. You could become more aware of particular fears, power dynamics and control issues. Scorpio also exhibits great reverence for family, so you could find that talking through whatever is coming up for you now with loved ones allows you to pinpoint a healing path. And because the sign is associated with the Eighth House of Joint Resources, this lunar event could fuel conversations, conflicts and culmination points related to financial goals you share with relatives.

The 2024 Scorpio full moon encourages you to grapple with your most intense emotions.

The full moon occurs at 4 degrees of Scorpio, while Pluto, the planet of transformation, death, rebirth and power, sits at 1 degree of fellow fixed sign Aquarius, which means the two form a tense but activating square. This angle can be challenging to work with and stir up conflict or frustration, but the flipside is that it can spur brilliant breakthroughs and productive progress, if you’re willing to do the work. Given that Pluto is also a co-ruler of Scorpio, Pluto is a particularly important player in the story of this lunar event. Its purpose is to excavate what lies beneath and has yet to be illuminated — whether that’s a tough truth about yourself you have yet to face or a toxic power dynamic you need to face head-on. Pluto also works by burning down what is no longer serving you so that you can build something new. It brings to mind the phoenix rising from the ashes.

That said, you may benefit from reflecting on the uncomfortable truths and opportunities for transformation in whichever part of your life this full moon is activating (you’ll read more about that in the horoscopes below).

The 2024 full moon in Scorpio is a chance to deepen your bonds.

With Mercury retrograde continuing until April 25, we’re even more inclined to go inward during this full moon. And because Scorpionic energy asks us to do the same, all signs point to carving out a bit of time for self-reflection, whether that’s through meditating, journaling, or diving into interactive self-work, like therapy. Caring your emotions in this way can prepare you to connect with loved ones in a way that can’t help but strengthen your bonds while enhancing intimacy. Just be aware that because the planet of communication is moving backward through fiery, impulsive, dynamic Aries, you or your loved one may be more prone to jumping to conclusions or skipping over crucial details, which can lead to miscommunication. So, it can be beneficial to make an especially concerted effort to think and act both thoughtfully and strategically, as Scorpios tend to do.

Here, how the full moon in Scorpio will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don't, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)


ARIES Mar. 21–Apr. 19, zodiac sign

Falling in your intimacy zone, this full moon is a chance to become even more comfortable with some of your most deep-seated emotions and to acknowledge any power or control dynamics that are taking a toll on your well-being. You could also find yourself inspired to be more vulnerable with loved ones. With the moon squaring off against transformative Pluto in your friendship sector, you’ll also be taking a hard look at the teams and communities you associate with. Does your commitment to these groups support your long-term wishes?

Click through for more on Aries.

Full moon in Scorpio: Taurus

TAURUS Apr. 20–May 20 zodiac sign

Activating your partnership sector, this full moon brings your attention to the realities underlying your one-on-one relationships — whether platonic, professional, or romantic. You could find that you’re bringing more to the table than another and be prepared to go to bat for greater reciprocity. Feeling seen and heard within these connections is a must — and it might be time to acknowledge that you deserve nothing less. Given the moon’s tense connection to Pluto in your career zone, dynamics related to your professional path could be particularly spotlit now.

Click through for more on Taurus.


GEMINI May 21–June 20 zodiac sign

This full moon lands in your wellness zone, encouraging you to be real with yourself about any day-to-day routines that may simply be no longer serving you. Thanks to Mercury retrograde in your networking zone, you’ve been going back to the drawing board to re-establish platonic and professional bonds within the groups you’re a part of. Now, you could be connecting the dots between daily habits and longer-term team goals. Streamlining your to-dos and prioritizing practices that enhance your health (like more breaks, walks, breathing exercises) could make a major difference for your vitality.

Click through for more on Gemini.

Full moon in Scorpio: Cancer

CANCER June 21–July 22 zodiac sign

The full moon falls in your romance and self-expression zone, which could stir up frustrations that lighthearted fun and creativity has been ending up on the backburner too frequently as of late. You’ll be itching to share what’s in your heart and take a break from putting your nose to the grindstone, and that’s more than encouraged now, as it’ll benefit your overall well-being. With the moon squaring off against Pluto in your intimacy sector, tending to any ongoing emotional issues within your closest bonds will also prove healing and restorative.

Click through for more on Cancer.


LEO July 23–Aug. 22 zodiac sign (full moon in scorpio)

The full moon activates your home zone, illuminating a truth related to your family life that could be difficult to deal with. Whether you’ve been somewhat aware of what’s going on for a while now or you feel caught off-guard, you’ll do well to accept it fully before leaning on other loved ones to pitch in and pinpoint the best way forward. Reflecting on your most deep-rooted emotions can also be therapeutic — as can talking through whatever’s coming up for you with a dear friend or significant other, given that the moon squares off against Pluto in your partnership sector.

Click through for more on Leo.

Full moon in Scorpio: Virgo

VIRGO Aug. 23–Sept. 22 zodiac sign

This full moon is highlighting your communication sector, making this an especially frenetic period in which you could be feeling pulled in a bevy of directions. From get-togethers with friends to brainstorms with colleagues and perhaps short-distance trips on the agenda, life is just moving at a faster pace than you might feel you can keep up with at the moment. Finding ways to say “no,” step back, and streamline your efforts could be the key to continuing to fire on all cylinders. With the moon squaring off against Pluto in your wellness zone, you’ll do well to prioritize practices that nurture your mind and body, too.

Click through for more on Virgo.


LIBRA Sept. 23–Oct. 22 zodiac sign (full moon in scorpio)

The full moon falls in your money zone, requiring you to take a microscope to the ways in which you’re bringing your talents to the table on the job. You could become more conscious of particular values you’d like to see reflected by your work and be prepared to speak up on behalf of those principles. With the moon squaring off against Pluto in your self-expression zone, talking to colleagues and friends in a way that feels truly authentic to your feelings proves especially empowering.

Click through for more on Libra.

Full moon in Scorpio: Scorpio

SCORPIO Oct. 23–Nov. 21 zodiac sign (full moon in scorpio)

This is your annual full moon, so you could be feeling particularly sensitive and in need of exploring and sharing emotions you haven’t dealt with in some time — or ever. Given the moon’s square to Pluto, one of your co-rulers, in your home zone, dynamics with family members could be on your mind, as well as your inner life. Looking back and connecting the dots between past emotional wounds and present challenges could be productive and grounding. The more time you can spend tending to your heart and your needs now, the more centered you’ll feel once this lunar event passes.

Click through for more on Scorpio.


SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22–Dec. 21 zodiac sign (full moon in scorpio)

This full moon activates your spirituality zone, which could set the stage for a sleepy, dreamy moment in which you’d prefer to prioritize solo time and rest over stepping on the gas to hit your goals. With the moon squaring off against Pluto in your communication zone, you could be reassessing how you’re expressing yourself and interacting with friends — especially when it comes to your mental and emotional needs. You could be inspired to set and hold new boundaries to protect your time, energy and overall well-being.

Click here for more on Sagittarius.

Full moon in Scorpio: Capricorn

CAPRICORN Dec. 22–Jan. 19 zodiac sign (full moon in scorpio)

This full moon falls in your networking zone, enhancing your desire to feel more connected to people within the groups, teams and communities you’re a part of. You may be especially fired up to cross the finish line on a collaborative effort or fired up to talk through a game plan for a down-the-road goal with your teammates. And with the moon squaring Pluto in your money zone, you could be motivated for financial reasons, too. Just know that if emotions are running high, it can be worth hitting pause on productivity in order to smooth over any tensions the full moon is illuminating.

Click through for more on Capricorn.


AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18 zodiac sign (full moon in scorpio)

The full moon activates your career zone, highlighting any ongoing emotional issues related to authority figures and your own personal power. It’s possible you’ve felt like asserting yourself even more lately and cultivating a greater balance between your home life and work life in order to make your mark. Tune into your intuition now for a greater understanding of how you can do this. Thanks to the moon’s square to Pluto in your sign, this can be a highly charged moment, but you could come away from it feeling deeply empowered.

Click through for more on Aquarius.

Full moon in Scorpio: Pisces

PISCES Feb. 19–Mar. 20 zodiac sign

You’ll want to trust your gut more than usual and even potentially take a leap of faith as a result of this full moon falling in your adventure and higher learning zone. Getting out of your typical routine, either by learning something new or traveling somewhere you’ve never been, feels truly thrilling and brings you a great deal of joy. With the moon squaring off against Pluto in your spirituality zone, you’ll also be driven to devote more time to introspection, which can, in turn, boost your self-awareness and lead to personal growth.

Click through for more on Pisces.

For more on how the moon affects you, click through the links below!

Moon Sign Compatibility Guide for Love and Friendship

What’s Your Moon Sign? Here’s How To Find Out (And What It Means)

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