10 cities where you can fly for $100 round trip from Phoenix in February 2024

Booking a trip for February 2024 might get you on a plane for cheap.

New data from Hopper, the travel website that tracks airfares, found that February will be one of the best months this year to book domestic flights.

Domestic round-trip airfares are expected to average $276 in February, 8% below the same month in 2023 although slightly higher than January's round-trip average of $253, according to Hopper.

Data compiled by Hopper’s economists revealed the destinations with the cheapest February airfares from Phoenix. Ten domestic routes are available with roundtrip fares priced at $100 or less, depending on when you book. Here’s where you can find the best deals.

Is February the cheapest month to fly?

No − January was − but it's still inexpensive compared to other times of year.

Flyers can expect to pay an average round-trip fare of $276 in February 2024, one of the cheapest average costs for flights before prices increase with the spring break travel rush, according to Hopper's lead economist Hayley Berg.

Where is the cheapest place to fly right now?

Frontier Airlines is adding flights from Sky Harbor Airport to two cities in Texas.
Frontier Airlines is adding flights from Sky Harbor Airport to two cities in Texas.

Hopper’s data showed the lowest round-trip flights from Phoenix were $48 for trips to Ontario, California, and $60 to Salt Lake City and San Diego.

The Arizona Republic found the $48 Phoenix-Ontario round-trip fares via Frontier Airlines for a handful of flights near the end of the month, such as a Feb. 20-24 itinerary. If you fly with Frontier Airlines, be aware they charge low base fares with additional fees for seat assignments, carry-on and checked bags and other amenities.

We also found $58 round-trip base fares from Phoenix to Salt Lake City and Phoenix to San Diego via Frontier, $2 less than Hopper's forecast. The low fare was available for a Feb. 14-21 itinerary to Salt Lake City, and a Feb. 20-28 itinerary to San Diego.

Where you can fly from Phoenix for $100 or less round trip in February 2024

Hopper said these destinations are cheap from Phoenix in February:

  • Ontario, California: $48.

  • Salt Lake City: $60.

  • San Diego: $60.

  • Denver: $68.

  • San Francisco: $68.

  • Seattle: $75.

  • Portland, Oregon: $82.

  • Houston: $85.

  • Minneapolis: $100.

  • Dallas: $100.

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Michael Salerno is an award-winning journalist who’s covered travel and tourism since 2014. His work as The Arizona Republic’s consumer travel reporter aims to help readers navigate the stresses of traveling and get the best value for their money on their vacations. He can be reached at Michael.Salerno@gannett.com. Follow him on X, formerly Twitter: @salerno_phx.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Fly for $100 or less RT from Phoenix to these cities in February