This 1-Ingredient Oatmeal Upgrade Is So Good, I’ve Made It Every Day for a Week

<span>Credit: Perry Santanachote</span> <span class="copyright">Credit: Perry Santanachote</span>
Credit: Perry Santanachote Credit: Perry Santanachote

I have a breakfast problem. All I ever want to eat is a big ol’ pumpernickel bagel with cream cheese, lox, and all the fixins, a sausage egg and cheese sandwich, or maybe a breakfast burrito. But most days, I don’t have time to run to a breakfast spot, and I certainly don’t have time to make them every day. These sorts of breakfast dreams are for the weekend.

Weekday mornings are for quick breakfasts. I’ll often reach for something that requires little to no preparation at all, like a granola bar or a slice of toast, though they’re far from satisfying. That said, I’m always looking for new breakfast ideas that are quick and hearty. When I saw this super easy trick for warming frozen blueberries in the microwave until they’re soft, juicy, and jammy, my mind was blown. This is a must-try for anyone looking to level up a simple bowl of oatmeal or yogurt.

My Honest Review

How had I never thought of this before?! This is the perfect weekday breakfast. No notes. It’s so simple. I opted for oatmeal instead of yogurt, and I was not disappointed. I’ve certainly topped oatmeal with fruit, but I exclusively thought of fresh fruit as the only option. Anytime I didn’t have any on hand, that particular breakfast seemed impossible. It never occurred to me to look to my freezer for an assist.

This was easy and quick, adaptable, and it was so delicious. Heating the berries in the microwave causes them to release their juices, making a bit of a berry sauce for the oatmeal. The granola, while a bit of an unorthodox topping for oatmeal, added extra flavor and crunch. This breakfast is officially part of my weekday routine.

Blueberry breakfast.
Credit: Andrea Rivera Wawrzyn Credit: Andrea Rivera Wawrzyn

How to Make Oatmeal with Frozen Blueberries

  1. Cook the oatmeal. In service of the quick breakfast of my dreams, I opted for the microwave, but feel free to cook the oatmeal however you like.

  2. Warm the berries. Add the frozen berries to a microwave-safe bowl. I used a 1/2 cup of berries, which was the perfect amount for topping one portion of oatmeal. Then 1 to 2 minutes in the microwave was plenty to heat them through.

  3. Top and serve. Pour the warm berries over the oatmeal, add any toppings you like (I went with a little granola for crunch), and enjoy!

Blueberry breakfast.
Credit: Andrea Rivera Wawrzyn Credit: Andrea Rivera Wawrzyn

Tips for Making Frozen Blueberries for Breakfast

  • Try it with yogurt. I made this with oatmeal and it’s great, but it would also be great over yogurt, as highlighted in the original video. Try plain yogurt, vanilla yogurt, Greek yogurt for a tangy twist, or my personal favorite, coconut yogurt.

  • Mix up your fruit. I used frozen blueberries here but this would also be delicious with frozen raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, or sliced peaches.

  • Add different toppings. Crunchy granola is a great addition, but you could try shredded coconut, torn fresh mint, or chia seeds. Get creative!