Add This to Your Plank for a Tighter Butt

We’ve all been there. You’re 30 seconds into a plank, and all you can think is that there must be something, anything, better than this. Try this next time — it’s a simple plank variation from Pilates instructor Karen Lord that strengthens your abs and blasts your booty into shape. It has all the core-building benefits of your average plank, minus the monotony.

Begin by placing your hands directly under your shoulders, stepping your feet back (keep your heels together, toes apart). Your body should form one long line from your head to your feet. Hold in that position for 30 seconds.

Then, bring one leg up about 12 inches off the ground and lightly pulse 10 times.  Drop your foot down, bring your other leg up, and repeat. Finish with 30 seconds of traditional planking, pull your abdominal muscles in and up, and sit back onto your heels for a final stretch.

Watch Lord demonstrate the move in the video above, and find more exercise videos here.

Up Next: This Plank Will Make You Stronger and Leaner

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