This Plank Will Make You Stronger and Leaner

Need a move that torches fat and brings your heart rate through the roof — fast? 3-point plankers are for you. They engage your core, upper back, and legs to build strength and stability. In the video above, fitness and nutrition coach Adam Rosante, author of The 30-Second Body, demonstrates the multi-step move. Here’s what you need to do:

Start off in the top of a push-up position with wrist directly under the shoulders, chest open, and shoulders down the back. From there,  hop your feet to the right of your hands and back, to the left of your hands and back, and in between your hands and back. Need to modify? Lose the jump and just step your feet to the right, left, and forward. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Watch Adam demonstrate the move in the video above, and find more heart-pumping exercises here.