Taste Test: 7-Eleven Sour Patch Watermelon Slurpee

Slurpee flavors are not to be taken lightly, especially today – Free Slurpee Day.

We’ve sipped and grieved as variations of the 7-Eleven slushie came and went through the years. (R.I.P. Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and Bubble Yum.) Classics like Hawaiian Punch and Wild Cherry remain, but the convenience store chain recently added another to the fountains: Sour Patch Watermelon.

Sour Patch. Slurpees. Three childhood not-so-guilty pleasures blended together in the perfect summer drink. And it’s watermelon, the arguably the best Sour Patch flavor.

It already sounds tempting, but what does it actually taste like? Yahoo Food gave it a whirl, and Warren, one of our taste-testers, says, “People said that it starts off sour and then gets sweet. This is both of them at the exact same time.” In other words, prepare for two extremes to fight and fuse on your taste buds.

Watch out for that sour punch, though. Even Warren had a bit of trouble keeping a straight face.

Will you give the Sour Patch Slurpee a try? Let us know below!

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