Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino has first date night with wife Lauren after leaving prison

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Photo: Facebook

Date night for the Sorrentinos is quite the meaty situation.

Mike Sorrentino, otherwise known as The Situation from Jersey Shore, shared on Facebook a happy image of himself with wife Lauren on their first date night since he left prison on Sept. 12. Sorrentino served eight months for tax evasion.

The Jersey Shore star is holding a giant portion of meat over a table filled with bowls of salad and an appetizer board. Since his reemergence, Sorrentino has showed off a new physique.

As he recently told Entertainment Tonight, he became a new man while in prison.

"It's fantastic. I have my beautiful wife next to me. I'm healthy, I'm sober, back at work with my best friends on the number-one show on MTV and just living the dream."

Sorrentino lost 35 pounds in prison, thanks to intermittent fasting and working out two to three times a day.

"I had to continually challenge myself, whether it was in the gym, and/or diet," he explained. "I was reading books, the Bible and trying to progress spiritually as well. Because if you do not keep yourself busy in there ... I saw a lot of guys that weren't doing those things and you saw depression and anxiety take control."

Wife Lauren couldn’t be prouder.

“Honestly, I didn't think he could get more positive," she said. "When he went in, he was already so positive, uplifting, looking at the bright side of every situation in life. And I think he even elevated to another level of that, with his level of patience and learning that. I could definitely use some more patience in life, so he inspires me to be like that a little bit more."

Sorrentino’s brother, Marc, also went to prison for tax evasion, though he received a longer sentence of one year.

When Marc gets out, Sorrentino plans to hold a big family feast.

"We'll definitely have an awesome Sunday dinner ready when my brother gets home," he told ET. "I'm sure my mom will make the meatballs and the sauce and she'll probably make some dessert. Actually, my mom, this Sunday is making a whole spread for me because I haven't gone over yet. We're going to have chicken cutlets, fettucini with peas and ham, baked clams, chicken cutlet salad, bread and antipasto."

He’ll definitely have to hit the gym a few times after a meal like that.

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