Concert will mark a changing of the guard

LA GRANDE — The audience attending the Grande Ronde Community Choir’s concert on June 6 will be awaiting the unexpected. A surprise that will make the concert even more memorable.

The concert is titled “The Times They Are A-Changin’” in recognition of the iconic song written and performed by Bob Dylan. The title is fitting because the concert, which will feature a rendition of Dylan’s legendary song, will mark the last time Mike Frasier will direct the Grande Ronde Community Choir after serving as its conductor since 2008.

“There will be a surprise ending,” said Frasier, who is retiring in order to have more time to enjoy things like traveling with his wife, Martha, and visiting their grandchildren.

“We try to be involved in their lives,” he said.

Frasier said the choir is rebounding successfully from the COVID-19 pandemic. Its membership fell to 35 in 2022 during the pandemic but is now between 50 and 55, the same level it was before COVID-19 hit.

Frasier said he had planned to step down as conductor in 2023 but stayed on longer to help get the choir move in the right direction after the pandemic.

“The Times They Are A-Changin’” will be one of two rock songs at the concert. The other is “Africa,” a 1982 hit by Toto. These will be the final two songs performed at the June 6 concert.

Also on the repertoire is a combination of the songs “Down to the River to Pray” and “Bring a Little Water, Silvy,” both of which are arranged by Jennaya Robinson. The choir’s men will sing “Down to the River to Pray” and its women will sing “Bring a Little Water, Silvy” at the same time, Frasier said.

The remaining numbers to be performed are “O Love,” written by Elaine Hagenberg; “Sing Me to Heaven,” written by Daniel Gawthorp; “Down by the Riverside,” arranged by John Rutter; and “Medley from Les Miserables,” arranged by Ed Lojeski.

A successor with promise

Frasier will be helped at the concert by Daniel Durrell, the Grande Ronde Community Choir’s assistant conductor, who will play the keyboard for one song. Durrell, the Union School District’s music teacher, will succeed Frasier as the director of the Community Choir.

Frasier said the choir will be in good hands under Durrell’s direction.

“He is very talented and passionate about music,” Frasier said, adding Durrell is a good communicator. “The choir likes him and so does our board.”

Matt Carlsen will again serve as the accompanist for the Grande Ronde Community Choir. Carlsen succeeded Lanetta Paul as the choir’s accompanist two years ago. Frasier credits Carlsen, the North Powder School District’s music teacher, with doing an excellent job.

Staying involved

Frasier, who previously taught choir at La Grande High School for three decades, plans to stay connected to the Grande Ronde Community Choir after retiring as its conductor by serving as one of its singers.

Frasier said it is good for people of his age to step aside from leadership roles because it allows younger people with fresh ideas the opportunity to step up.

“This means things keep being revitalized,” he said.

The Grande Ronde Community Choir is a mixed choral ensemble composed of Eastern Oregon University students, staff, faculty, and community members of all ages.