Bryan Cranston reacts to being a 'villain' in a bizarre Trump campaign video: 'I seem to have a high disapproval rating'

Bryan Cranston has officially made it … as “a villain in the bizzaro underworld” of Donald Trump.

The president tweeted out what is apparently a fan-made movie trailer touting his 2020 re-election campaign. Set to the Hans Zimmer score “Why Do We Fall?” from The Dark Knight Rises, it says, “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they call you racist. Donald J. Trump, your vote, proved them all wrong” along with footage of Trump at his campaign rallies and with Kim Jong Un. It also includes imagery of Trump’s frequent political targets, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton as well as Hollywood folks including long-time feud-mate Rosie O’Donnell, outspoken Democrat Amy Schumer and Cranston.

Bryan Cranston has finally become "a villain in the bizzaro underworld o" Donald Trump. The Breaking Bad and Sneaky Pete actor is portrayed as a Trump nemesis in a weird new Trump 2020 campaign video. (Photo: Getty Images)
Bryan Cranston has finally become "a villain in the bizzaro underworld" of Donald Trump. The "Breaking Bad" and "Sneaky Pete" actor is portrayed as a Trump nemesis in a weird new Trump 2020 campaign video. (Photo: Getty Images)

The video has been deleted from Twitter (due to a copyright issue), but you can see it here (for now):

While the Breaking Bad and Sneaky Pete star has spoken out against the president — while simultaneously saying he hopes he’s successful in office — he’s not at all in the same category as O’Donnell, who has been publicly sparring with the real estate mogul since 2006. So he reacted to the video with equal parts excitement and confusion.

“Hell yes! I finally became a villain in the bizzaro underworld of the @realDonaldTrump,” Cranston wrote. “I can’t say that I understand what I’m doing in it, but I seem to have a high disapproval rating from the President. Hmmm, cool. Hey, do I get residuals from this movie?

Cranston was one of many to vow to move to Canada if Trump was elected to the U.S.’ highest office. After the election, he poked fun of him on Saturday Night Live and said he hoped to get an infamous Trump hate-tweet for it. However, he also saidone more than one occasion — that he hopes Trump is a great president. “I truly hope he does an exceptionally good job,” he has said. "I really do, because if that is true, then he has done well for the country, and that's much more important than who I personally wanted to be president."

Here’s Cranston’s brief appearance in the Trump campaign video:


Though he has also said he thinks the president suffers from a “mental illness.”

O’Donnell, who has been a Trump target for more than a decade, was less surprised to be cast as a villain in Trump’s video. “I am in great company,” she wrote on Twitter and called him “a f***ing disease.”

(Screenshot: Rosie O'Donnell via Twitter)
(Screenshot: Rosie O'Donnell via Twitter)

She also called him “d*** weed.”

(Screenshot: Rosie O'Donnell via Twitter)
(Screenshot: Rosie O'Donnell via Twitter)

Here were a couple more:

The video has been on YouTube for several days now and seems to be fan-made. Annette Cividanes, who has more than 60,000 subscribers, posted it April 7, writing, “President Trump 2020 trailer. A sneak peek of the upcoming 2020 election.”

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