Willie Nelson Thinks Attorney General Jeff Sessions Should Try Pot and Heroin

Country music legend Willie Nelson has fallen victim to multiple erroneous reports of his death. He even wrote a song addressing the death hoax called “Still Not Dead.”

At 84 years old, Nelson is still very much alive, and he’s got a lot to say about Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump.

In April, Attorney General Sessions briefly weighed in on marijuana legalization during a discussion at Luke Air Force Base near Phoenix, Ariz., and called marijuana a drug “only slightly less awful” than heroin.

In response to Sessions’s statement, Nelson told Rolling Stone, “I wonder if he’s tried both of them. I don’t think you can really make a statement like that unless you tried it all. So I’d like to suggest to Jeff to try it and then let me know later if he thinks he’s still telling the truth!”

Nelson is no stranger to cannabis — in fact, the Country Music Hall of Famer has his own marijuana company called “Willie’s Reserve.” When asked about the downsides of smoking pot every day, Nelson replied, “I haven’t run into any yet. I guess if you go somewhere where it’s illegal, that’s a pretty good downside.”

The singer also talked about how he thinks the president is doing so far, “I think he’s stepped into a different world. Like he said this morning, ‘I had no idea this job was going to be this hard.’ It’s easy when you can just go bankrupt anytime you want to and say, ‘I’ll check you later.’ But that’s hard to do when you’re president of the United States.”

In other entertainment news, Jimmy Fallon regrets his interview with Donald Trump:

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