Sweet, Spicy, & Sexy Candles for Fall


Instead of focusing on dropping temperatures, think about all the warm things coming your way—from blanket coats to hot cocoa. It’s time to swap out your summer scent and put away the floral candles in favor of something rich and moodier. Notes like sandalwood, amber, and cannabis will fill your home with a warm and sensual smell. Our favorites, below—you’ll have to stick to the kitchen if you want pumpkin spice and apple pie.

Ovando, 55 Ave Foch

From the famed West Village floral design shop comes a second collection of candles, this time inspired by Paris. 55 Ave Foch is a super luxe blend of dark wood, raspberry, rhubarb, and juniper.

Le Feu de l’Eau, Le Feu d’Ivoire

Patchouli and amber come together to create this light, warm scent. Chances are you’ll like it enough to keep it lit year round.

Related: Can Burning a Candle Affect Your Health? 

Aromatherapy Associates, Inner Strength

This one does an extra good job of calming you down thanks to a mix of frankincense and cardamom. (And 10% of its proceeds will be donated to the Defense Against Cancer charity.)

Diptyque, Santal

This classic sandalwood scent 100% captures the feeling of fall. Make sure you hold onto the votive, it’s perfect for storing your makeup brushes! 

Related: A Luxury Perfume That Smells Like the Inside of Your Bag 

Nest, Japanese Black Currant

This limited edition offering from Nest combines black currant, plum, fig, and sandalwood for a fragrance that promises to warm your entire home.

Fresh, Cannabis Santal

Chocolate? Check. Patchouli? Check. Cannabis? Check. This is the most sensual scent on our list.

Byredo, Gingembre

This limited edition amber-based scent is as sweet as we’re wiling to go when it comes to fall candles. But it’s also spicy—like the cookie for which (it sounds like) it’s named.