Half of Women Won’t Let Partners See Them Without Makeup for a Year. Really?

Photo: Getty Images

Many women, like Carrie Underwood, claim they won’t set foot out the door without wearing at least some makeup. But what about in front of their partners? A new survey in the U.K. polled women between the ages of 18 and 30 and found that 54% wouldn’t let their significant other see them without makeup until they’d been dating for over a year. Assuming at least some of these women have spent the night with their partners, that means they must be pulling a Kristin Wiig in “Bridesmaids” and sneaking out of bed in the morning to apply cosmetics and creeping back into the sheets, their sleeping mate none the wiser. While surely some women may feel they need to wear makeup in front of their partners every day, there are plenty of ladies who never wear makeup at all, and many who don’t care about what their significant other thinks. Another stat from this survey: 51% of females surveyed said they would get naked in front of their partner after six months. So not only are these women supposedly remaining covered up for half a year of dating, but they’re apparently more secure getting naked than going makeup-free? Hmm.

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Admittedly, these types of surveys are hard to trust. This survey in particular was conducted by Flint + Flint, a British skincare company with their own agenda: getting women to prioritize healthy, clear skin perhaps so they won’t wear as much makeup and buy up their products.

“We were shocked to find out so many women feel so insecure about their skin that they would hide behind their makeup for such a long length of time,” says brand owner Maxine Flint. “We would have expected less body confidence than skin shyness. It’s a shame that us women appear to have so many hang ups about ourselves and we hope that our Flint + Flint beauty range will help to bring some well-needed confidence back. They do say after all that beauty is skin deep!”

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No sir, that doesn’t sound biased at all! The survey has been reported by the Daily Mail, who incidentally reported a similar study of 2,000 women from Superdrug last October, only that one claimed women wait just one month to reveal their makeup-free face to a new boyfriend. Forgive us for being skeptics, but we’d prefer to run our own survey for millions of Yahoo readers to find out where they stand. When are you willing to go makeup-free in front of your significant other? Take our poll below.