
CES 2013: Mobileye 560 gives older cars new safety features

If you're thinking you have to run out and buy a new car to get all the latest safety features like lane departure and forward collision warnings, automatic high beam control, and even a speed limit warning, think again.

Mobileye has an aftermarket system that will do all of that, and it can be fitted to most cars built since 1999.

Using a single camera tucked behind the rearview mirror, the Mobileye 560 system can enable a variety of safety systems. It can also provide driver monitoring to track incidences of speeding and other infractions parents might want to know about. The Mobileye 560 has the capability to keep trip logs and send text or email alerts when potentially dangerous driving is detected.


Available now through automotive audio specialty stores, the Mobileye 560 does require professional installation. The cost is $799 plus installation, and a company representative told us at CES to expect to pay about $1,000 all in.

Check out the rest of our CES 2013 coverage.

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