
What a Rehearsal Invasion of North Korea Looks Like

From Popular Mechanics

The U.S. and South Korean militaries just wrapped up a massive amphibious drill designed to mimic an attack on the North Korean capital of Pyongyang in the event of war. The exercise culminated in a massive naval task force sending a force of Marines against a simulated defended beach. Here's footage of the amphibious task force at sea, and landing footage featuring the AAV7s:

In just the last three months, the regime of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has detonated a nuclear bomb, tested a space rocket, and appeared publicly in front of a model of a nuclear warhead and intercontinental ballistic missile. His regime repeatedly threatens to unleash a nuclear attack on the United States. In response, the U.S. and South Korea are practicing how they would kill or capture Kim and his cronies in the event of real war.

The superior strategic and tactical mobility of U.S. and South Korean forces means they can do an end-run on the 160-mile long, heavily fortified demilitarized zone and strike directly against Pyongyang from the sea. The 2016 version of war exercise Ssang Yong (Korean for "Twin Dragons") saw not one but three large amphibious transports teaming up: USS Boxer, USS Bonhomme Richard, and ROKS Dokdo. Including supporting vessels, the task force could land a combined force of about 5,000 marines.