
Forget TNT: Molten Salt Creates the Best Explosions

​That is one satisfying boom.​​

From Popular Mechanics

The Backyard Scientist knows explosions. Big, big explosions. And the latest one is fantastic. He pours molten salt into a fish tank and watches the whole thing blow, then replays it in slo-mo.

Our recommendation? Click this. Mute the video on the left. Watch as the beauty unfolds and your heart swells with pride for human ingenuity.

(The full video is coming tomorrow.)

What's going on here? The Backyard Scientist has taken ordinary table salt and super-heated it to 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit, at which point it becomes a molten, lava-like substance. The water was, shall we say, much cooler. That temperature differential and a few chemical factors lead to a disruption that the flimsy glass of the fish tank can't withstand.

Apparently, this video was the third try to get a good reaction, with the first two not making much of a dent. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.