
61 funny Christmas quotes to make this holiday season a little merrier — and brighter

Like the Christmas song goes, "It's the most wonderful time of the year." Whether you agree or feel a bit "bah humbug" about it all, one thing is for sure: A solid sense of humor is necessary to survive the holidays.

From long-distance traveling to spending a whole lot of extra money and time with the family, the season of merry can sometimes turn even the jolliest of Santa's into a grinch, which is why we've collected this merry list of funny Christmas quotes to help remind you that when it comes to the holidays, you aren't alone.

You'll laugh out loud at these quips by comedians like Jim Gaffigan who wryly commented, "“It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Really? Is it the most wonderful? Have you been outside? Seen the crowds? The traffic? Ever go through security in the airport in December? I’ll tell you one word that doesn’t come to mind: wonderful.”

Or Conan O'Brien who amusingly said,"“Got all my Christmas shopping done. Now to shop for other people.” Who can't relate to that?


Looking for a one-liner for Instagram? We've got your favorite Christmas quotes from the funniest of Christmas movies like "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" and "Elf," as well as TV shows including "The Office," "Schitt's Creek" and "The Simpsons."

The best part? They're all wrapped up and ready to go for whatever use you have in mind because when it comes to the holidays, who can't use a little extra ho, ho, help?

You're sure to get all the laughs using these funny Christmas quotes and that's the best gift of all.

Funny Christmas quotes

  • "A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell." — George Bernard Shaw

  • "We got so caught up in the little things of Christmas, like love and family, that we almost forgot that it's buying things that makes our economy thrive." — Diana Choksondik, "South Park: A Very Crappy Christmas"

  • "They're a little weird. They don't believe in gifts or Christmas trees. And they think Santa's how Satan spells his name when he wants to trick us." — Ted Mosby, "How I Met Your Mother"

  • "Got all my Christmas shopping done. Now to shop for other people." — Conan O'Brien

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • "It's the most wonderful time of the year. Really? Is it the most wonderful? Have you been outside? Seen the crowds? The traffic? Ever go through security in the airport in December? I'll tell you one word that doesn't come to mind: wonderful." — Jim Gaffigan

  • "Just been poisoned by my gran. Nothing says Christmas better than familicide and anaphylactic shock." — R.D. Ronald

  • "I wrapped my Christmas presents early this year, but I used the wrong paper. See, the paper I used said ‘Happy Birthday’ on it. I didn’t want to waste it so I just wrote ‘Jesus’ on it." — Demetri Martin, "Self"

  • "Remember that the important thing is not what you give, or how you wrap it. The important thing, during this very special time of year, is that you save the receipt." — Dave Barry

  • "My mother-in-law has come round to our house at Christmas seven years running. This year we're having a change. We're going to let her in." — Leslie Dawson, Jr.

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • "I bought my brother some gift wrap for Christmas. I took it to the gift wrap department and told them to wrap it, but in a different print so he would know when to stop unwrapping." — Steven Wright

  • “That’s what I love about the holiday season. That’s the true spirit of Christmas — people being helped by people other than me.” — Jerry Seinfeld

  • “What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.” — Phyllis Diller

  • “I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, 'Toys not included.'” — Bernard Manning

  • “The worst gift is fruitcake. There is only fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other.” — Johnny Carson

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • “The one thing women don’t want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband.” — Joan Rivers

  • “Once again, we come to the holiday season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.” — Dave Barry

  • “I thought it would be funny to stuff my kids’ Christmas stockings with actual stockings. I’ve never heard crying like that.” — Conan O’Brien

Short funny Christmas quotes

  • “At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional.” — Robert Godden

  • “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” — George Burns

  • “Santa Claus has the right idea — visit people only once a year.” — Victor Borge

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • “Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip.” — Gary Allen, “Let’s Be Naughty (And Save Santa the Trip)”

  • “Nothing says holidays like a cheese log.” — Ellen DeGeneres

  • “Christmas is a baby shower that went totally overboard.” — Andy Borowitz

  • “Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.” — Johnny Carson

Funny Christmas quotes from movies and TV shows

  • “Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere, leave you for dead? — Clark Griswold, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”

  • "I don’t know what to say, except it’s Christmas and we’re all in misery.” — Ellen Griswold, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”

  • “How can you give Kris Kringle a parking ticket on Christmas Eve? What’s next, rabies shots for the Easter bunny?” — Santa Claus, “Home Alone”

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • “I’m the Holiday Armadillo, your part “Jewish” friend.” — Ross Geller, “Friends”

  • “I’m getting presents in the New World Order! Mrs. Claus said so!” — Billy, “Billy and Mandy Save Christmas”

  • “Yankee Swap is like Machiavelli meets Christmas.” — Dwight Schrute, "The Office"

  • “The tradition of Festivus begins with the Airing of Grievances. I’ve got a lot of problems with you people! Now, you’re going to hear about it. — Frank Costanza, “Seinfeld”

  • “Christmas is awesome. First of all, you got to spend time with people you love. Secondly, you can get drunk and no one can say anything.” — Michael Scott, "The Office"

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • “I never eat December snowflakes. I always wait until January.” — Lucy Van Pelt, “A Charlie Brown Christmas”

  • “We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.” — Buddy the Elf, “Elf”

  • “Now you listen to me, young lady. Even if we’re horribly mangled, there’ll be no sad faces on Christmas.” — The Grinch, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”

  • “I’ve had a really lousy Christmas. You’ve just managed to kill my New Year’s. If you come back on Easter, you can burn down my apartment.” — Lucy, “While You Were Sleeping.”

  • “You smell like beef and cheese. You don’t smell like Santa.” — Buddy the Elf, “Elf”

  • “Son of a NUTCRACKER!” — Buddy the Elf, “Elf”

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • “I can’t get the antlers glued to this little guy. We tried Crazy Glue, but it didn’t work.” — Props man, “Scrooged”

  • “I would like a nice slice of Christmas Pam. Side of candy Pams. And perhaps some Pam chops with mint.” — Michael Scott, "The Office"

  • “At the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around and tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year.” — Frank Costanza, “Seinfeld”

  • “Just remember, Cassie, disappointment is a present, too.” — Santa, “Billy and Mandy Save Christmas”

  • “This place reminds me of Santa’s workshop. Except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me.” — Buddy the Elf, “Elf”

  • “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! And, when I wake up, I’m getting a CAT scan!” — Scott Calvin, “The Santa Claus”

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • “Santa has lactose intolerance, and it gives him horrible gas pains. Do you want to see Santa farting down everybody’s chimney?” — George, “The Ref”

  • “You’re skipping Christmas! Isn’t that against the law?” — Spike Frohmeyer, “Christmas with the Kranks”

  • “Stay away from those things. They’re reindeer. You don’t know where they’ve been. They all look like they’ve got key lime disease.” — Scott Calvin, “The Santa Claus”

  • “Most people don’t’ even know that a candy cane represents a shepherd’s crook, which I assure you does not taste like peppermint.” — Dwight Schrute, "The Office"

  • “Aren’t we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas? You know, the birth of Santa.” — Bart Simpson, “The Simpsons”

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • “Christmas is just so stressful … with the lists and the lines and the dancing girls at TV Town Song Room.” — Nick Miller, “New Girl”

  • “I have my own holiday tradition. It’s like the 12 days of Christmas, but it’s one day with 12 bottles of wine.” — Stevie Budd, “Schitt’s Creek”

  • “What about an authentic Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas? Drink some gluhwein, enjoy some hasenpfeffer.” — Dwight Schrute, "The Office"

  • “I’ve always wanted to save Christmas with a vampire sidekick ever since I was a little boy.” — Grim, “Billy and Mandy Save Christmas”

  • “It’s just nice to meet another human that shares my affinity for elf culture.” — Buddy the Elf, “Elf”

  • “We’re your worst nightmare. Elves with attitude.” — E.L.F.S Leader, “The Santa Clause”

Funny Christmas Quotes
Funny Christmas Quotes
  • “You’re a reindeer. Here’s your motivation: Your name is Rudolph, you’re a freak with a red nose, and no one likes you. Then, one day, Santa picks you and you save Christmas.” — The Grinch, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”

  • "I got myself for Secret Santa. I was supposed to tell somebody, but I didn’t.” — Kevin Malone, "The Office"

  • “Well, happy birthday, Jesus. Sorry your party’s so lame.” — Michael Scott, "The Office"

  • "Keep the change, ya filthy animal." — Gangster Johnny, “Home Alone”

  • “Christmas isn’t about Santa or Jesus. It’s about the workplace.” — Michael Scott, "The Office"

  • “Earlier today, this office needed a Santa. And then it needed a second Santa. And then it needed a Jesus. Now it needs a Michael.” — Michael Scott, "The Office"

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