
MapleStory goes mobile (for real this time) on iOS and Android for free

MapleStory Live on iOS
MapleStory Live on iOS

Nexon and developer Replay Studios have finally released MapleStory on iOS and Android devices. Oh, you say, "But there are already a few MapleStory games on mobile, Joe"? What we meant to say is that Nexon has finally released something similar to the free-to-play (F2P) massively multiplayer online game (MMO) for PC on mobile known as MapleStory Live.

At least as far as looks and play are concerned, this is the same MapleStory you've played on PC for free, but now it's in your phone or tablet ... for free. Got it? Good, because now we have to bring you down with the caveats. There are some ways in which this game is not the same, namely the fact that there isn't any real-time multiplayer and that there are just two classes to play around with.

While players navigate a world similar to the ones in MapleStory proper and MapleStory Adventures, they'll get to do so as two new characters: Fenris the Dual Blade and Rei the Mechanic. It's up to you to take the fight to the Black Wings that threaten Maple World in the ways you're used to: jumping around and beating the living pulp out of baddies.

However, you'll only have access to some of that content for free. If you want access to MapleStory Live's various mini games, storage, the mailbox through which you can send fellow players messages and extra experience points, you'll have to pay up. Oh, and only one character class is available for free, the Dual Blade. Hey, this is as close to the real deal in your pocket as you're going to get.

Click here to download MapleStory Live on iOS and here on Android for Free Now >

Are you excited to try MapleStory Live? Are you bummed about what's been left out of the free version? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.