The Kelly File

  • NewsSuperfan TV

    Megyn Kelly Announces Departure From Fox News

    On Tuesday’s "Kelly File," Megyn Kelly announced that she will be leaving Fox News at the end of the week and joining the NBC News team.

  • NewsKen Tucker

    Democratic Convention Review: It’s Bernie’s World, Hillary Just Suffers in It

    The opening night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia was characterized by a mixture of defensiveness, self-righteousness, and whininess.

  • NewsSuperfan

    Megyn Kelly and D.L. Hughley Get Into Heated Argument on Fox News

    On The Kelly File Wednesday, host Megyn Kelly had D.L. Hughley on her show to discuss the anger over the police shootings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling.

  • NewsKen Tucker

    Fox News: Trump Has A 'Sick Obsession' With Megyn Kelly

    The Fox statement says Donald Trump’s latest tweets are “beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land.”

  • NewsKen Tucker

    Trump Turned The Republican Debate Into A No-Brawl Zone

    “So far, I can’t believe how civil it’s been up here,” said Donald Trump a half-hour into Thursday night’s Republican debate on CNN. It was striking that the candidate who set that tone was the candidate who’d previously done so much to operate during previous debates without civility: Trump. To be sure, Trump questions dominated the proceedings: CNN knows where its ratings reside.

  • NewsKen Tucker

    Megyn Kelly Has Defeated Donald Trump

    In pulling out of Thursday’s Fox News debate because of the presence of Megyn Kelly as a moderator, Donald Trump has vaulted the Fox News anchor to the front ranks of TV news personalities. Trump’s startling wimp-out is a gift to Kelly, who reasserted her claim that she asks “tough but fair” tough questions. In a brief video posted on Instagram on Tuesday, Trump said, “Megyn Kelly is really biased against me.

  • NewsKen Tucker

    Megyn Kelly Investigated Netflix's 'Making A Murderer'

    On Tuesday night’s The Kelly File on Fox News, we got an officially-billed “Kelly File Investigation” into Netflix’s Making a Murderer, featuring some of the facts not featured in the 10-part documentary. The segment was Kelly’s way of bringing the Fox news audience up-to-speed on the Steven Avery murder conviction, and an attempt to move the story ahead a little by addressing what she called the controversy over “whether the filmmakers got it right.”