Bryan Fuller

  • NewsYahoo TV

    ‘American Gods’ Creators Really Want to Make a ‘Sandman’ TV Series

    Neil Gaiman says he'd like to make a Sandman TV series with his American Gods team.

  • NewsYahoo TV

    ‘American Gods’ Creators Go Where Their Unconscious Takes Them

    Ricky Whittle as Shadow Moon in Starz’s American Gods. Leading up to the 20th anniversary of the March 10, 1997, premiere of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Yahoo TV is celebrating “Why Genre Shows Matter” and the history of how these shows have tackled universal themes (such as how much high school sucks) and broader social issues. One of the interesting things about genre is that, when telling one story about your characters, you often find out you’ve told another unexpected tale as well.

  • NewsYahoo TV

    15 Genre Shows That Helped Shape TV Today

    What was the first genre show to resonate with you? 1. HBO owes a “thank you” to The Incredible Hulk. Because when you’re a skinny, nerdy 10-year-old, you wish you could transform into a painted green Lou Ferrigno and beat the living s–t out of anyone who makes you angry.

  • NewsEthan Alter

    'Star Trek' Reboot: How Bryan Fuller's Cult TV Resumé Will Help Him

    Bryan Fuller — the man behind 'Hannibal,' 'Wonderfalls,' 'Pushing Daisies,' 'Dead Like Me' and more — will bring a lot of valuable experience to CBS' new 'Star Trek.'

  • NewsEthan Alter

    What to Binge This Weekend: 'Pushing Daisies' on CW Seed

    Falling somewhere in the middle is Pushing Daisies, the two-season cult favorite that did for pies what Hannibal did for advanced gastronomy. Debuting to great acclaim and solid ratings in 2007, Daisies was, at heart, a procedural filtered through Fuller’s wonderfully cracked lens.

  • NewsDave Nemetz

    Feast Your Eyes on the Dishes Served at 'Hannibal's' 'Last Supper' Event

    We still have a bad taste left in our mouths after NBC canceled the sumptuous serial killer drama Hannibal this summer… but at least we got a lovely meal out of it.  Yahoo TV attended the Hannibal “Last Supper” event Monday night, with a tasting menu of Dr. Lecter-inspired delicacies from the show’s culinary consultant, José Andrés. Click through to feast your eyes on some of the dishes served at the farewell dinner

  • NewsDave Nemetz

    'Hannibal' Ends With Lots of Blood — and the Ultimate Cliffhanger

    Warning: This recap contains storyline and character spoilers for the series finale of Hannibal. Now that’s how you do a series finale. As disappointed as we still are that NBC canceled Hannibal after three seasons, we couldn’t ask for a more satisfying — and more bewildering — finale than what we got Saturday night. After finally joining forces to take down the Red Dragon, longtime adversaries/soulmates Hannibal and Will Graham fall into each other’s arms… and then tumble off a cliff together t