'Saturday Night Live' #TBT: Peyton Manning, Role Model for Kids

The NFL season kicks off this week, with even more intrigue and drama after the Summer of Deflategate. Football players have become a staple on Saturday Night Live: Tom Brady, Joe Mantana, and even O.J. Simpson have all hosted the show. So have the brothers Manning, Eli and Peyton.

The latter is arguably one of the best athlete hosts in SNL history. He appeared in Season 32, on March 24, 2007 (his birthday, actually). And while he acted in several memorable sketches, the most hilarious of them all is definitely the digital short “United Way.”

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In the sketch, Peyton is mentoring a bunch of kids — but he’s as hard on them as he is, famously, on teammates. After pelting one boy in the back with a football, he screams, “Get your head out of your ass! You suck!” Then, Peyton banishes him to the porta-potty.

He gives them advice, teaches them new things, and creates lasting, permanent memories with them. Just not the kind you’d think!

Saturday Night Live returns for its 41st season on Oct. 3 with host Miley Cyrus.