Brilliant and Boneheaded 'Survivor' Plays of the Week: It's Not Easy Being Green


Warning: This recap contains storyline and character spoilers from this week’s episode of Survivor.

Jealousy is a color that doesn’t suit anybody — and it’s a surefire way of getting voted off Survivor.

Last week, we named no collar Vince the “biggest creeper” because of his predatory and possessive attitude toward Jenn. That only got worse this week, with Vince throwing a hissy fit because everybody fawns over Joe. His jealousy turned off his tribemates, and eventually led to his blindside elimination.

Related: Brilliant and Boneheaded Plays From the ‘Survivor’ Premiere

By now, we all know that the social component of Survivor is as important — maybe even more so — than the physical part. Adolescent pettiness has no place out there, and that’s something both the players who share this week’s boneheaded play exhibited.

Boneheaded Play: Vince and Nina

The no collar tribe is just a hot mess this week. Nina throws a hissy fit because the other two women on the tribe, Hali and Jenn, are being “mean girls” by going skinny-dipping without inviting her. Technically, they sort of invited everyone on the tribe, but Nina’s hearing isn’t great (she has cochlear implants) and missed out.


She dissolves into tears — no bueno, Nina, no bueno. There is no crying on Survivor. Well, there is, but it won’t get you to that $1 million check (ask Lisa or Dawn). It aggravates her tribemates, who seriously consider voting her out.

But Nina is saved by the fact that Vince throws an even bigger hissy fit, because of Joe. Oh, good-looking, sweet Joe who catches lots of little crabs for everyone to eat! He’s so purty! He’s so nice! The girls love him! Which means Vince loathes him. Vince wants to be alpha dog so bad, it’s painful.

Vince takes Joe aside to talk some nonsense about how Joe needs to “acknowledge his efforts” and admit to steam-rolling poor Vince. Joe tries to placate him, but it’s clear these two are never going to be on the same side.


After the no collars lose at the immunity challenge, it’s basically Team Joe vs. Team Vince. Joe’s got Hali and Jenn, but they hatch a plan to split their votes in case Nina found an immunity idol. They need Will for this, but Will feels connected to Nina and it seems that the three of them will take out Jenn.

But at the last minute, Will finds out that Vince was talking smack about Will’s “health” and ability to compete in physical challenges. That didn’t sit right with Will. Added to Jenn’s whisperings about Vince’s shadiness, and boom — he’s eliminated.

Brilliant Play: Dan

OK, we wouldn’t say that blue collar Dan’s effort this week is the most brilliant play ever, but he pulled himself into a much better position than he was in before.

Last week, the women on his tribe (Sierra and Lindsey) did not like his high-handed attitude, and wanted to get him out at first opportunity. But Dan slowly and subtly made himself less of a target — first, by buffoonishly losing his underwear in the ocean, and second, by setting up the little “basketball hoop” area in camp.


Ticking Time Bomb of the Week: Mike

Dan’s ascent is in sharp contrast to Mike, who gets on everyone’s nerves by loudly proclaiming how he’s doing all the work around camp. If not for Vince and Nina’s fits, Mike would’ve totally gotten the boneheaded award this week.

Last week, Dan and Mike — remember, they are the duo who chose between “Honest” and “Deceive” — were in completely different positions. Now Dan is the fun guy, and Mike is the condescending authoritarian.

Mike’s fuse seems very, very short. Throwing around wood pieces and stomping around on Day 4 is not a good sign.

Power rankings: 1. Jenn 2. Joaquin 3. Carolyn

Survivor airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on CBS.